Access to this data is powerful and can help you trim down a marketing budget. That reason alone is why 60 percent of branding and marketing agencies are making significant changes in their workflow to make more room for digital marketing. But the internet is constantly evolving, meaning there’s an undeniable learning curve that comes with digital marketing. It can be impossible to stay up to date with these changes unless you have the time, skill, access to the tools, and the budget.
One of the biggest arguments in favor of digital marketing is its affordability compared to traditional. Digital marketing is often praised as an even playing field. Yes, any company can start a blog, create an email campaign, or post on social media. In that way, digital marketing can put small businesses in front of countless people. But things get complicated once you move toward paid advertising.
Digital marketing is widely thought of as a solution to traditional marketing’s problems, but it’s not that black and white. Traditional marketing and digital marketing both strive to build awareness of a business. Although they have the same goal, each concept approaches it differently. Let’s compare.
Without a doubt, digital marketing outshines traditional marketing in terms of precision. Social media platforms and search engines have tools that allow you to target certain groups of people. You can even control the size of your audience by making your target more general or specific. Beyond location, targeting doesn’t exist with traditional marketing. For instance, you can choose where you want a billboard, but you can’t control who sees it and when.
Traditional methods still have their place among small businesses. Look at your target audience. If they’re local and you want them to visit your physical storefront, then a traditional marketing campaign could bring more people through the door. If you sell products online, your audience isn’t limited to local shoppers. You can easily market to people around the world using digital methods.
Traditional marketing methods are often criticized for being more expensive to implement than digital marketing. In some cases, this is true. A billboard will cost a lot more than a sponsored Facebook post. That’s a no-brainer, but it’s not showing the whole picture. An ad in your local newspaper can be much more affordable than hosting a web series. And sponsoring an event can be a couple hundred dollars, but so can a single click within a Google Ads campaign.
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