Before diving into the types of SEO, let’s know something about what is SEO? Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the process to increase visitors or number of views to your website. There are many SEO strategies and SEO types used for your site to get better ranking on the SERPs for search phrases and relevant keywords within your domain.
In this guide, I’ll walk through the 8 different types of SEO and how those SEO types are important for your websites to get top ranking on search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and more. However, I would like to tell you, using the straight forward SEO types and methods are always good for your website to rank higher in the organic search results amongst your competitors. However, using SEO Tools is best way for your site to get top ranking in the searching engines.
8 Types of SEO in Digital Marketing Explained
Below are the popular SEO types used in the digital marketing area.
1. White-Hat SEO
The best SEO method or type in digital marketing is “White-Hat SEO“. It refers to all the legal optimization techniques and straightforward SEO method abides by Google’s search engine policy and guidelines. Bloggers, who use white hat SEO for their blog or website, need more patience to see good results.
White hat SEOs are straightforward, sustainable and will create genuine and long goodwill around your brand and products. Besides, you do not need to worry about getting banned by the search engines or search results if there are any new Google algorithm changes happen.
The White-Hat SEO type is always safe, low-risk and you’ll get high rewards if you do it in the right direction. The examples of White hat SEO techniques are writing quality, useful, original and relevant content after extensive keyword research process. You use SEMrush keyword research tool to find the best keywords for your blog post. Writing quality content helps you to earn high authority sites links to your website. This way you can increase the site authority score.
2. Black-Hat SEO
Black-hat SEO is 100% opposite to the White-hat SEO method. The black-hat SEO type will take advantages and find any loopholes and weaknesses of Google Search Engine’s Algorithm to rank top in the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPS).
Black-Hat SEO will not consider or even think about search engines terms, policies and SEO dos and don’ts list. The black hat type of seo includes keyword stuffing, paid link building methods, cloaking methods (shows different content to bots and crawlers and even humans).
People may think using Black-hat SEO type, they can get more traffic to their website. Not at all, it’s NOT true. The fact is, your website will get blacklisted very soon and your rankings will drop quickly if you use black-hat seo method. SEO experts strongly recommend NOT using Black-hat method for websites.
Black-Hat SEO method gives you only Short-lived results.
3. Gray-Hat SEO Type
Gray-hat SEO method falls in between White-hat SEO and Gray-Hat SEO types in terms of approach. This kind of SEO is often used by the SEO agencies, because they get lots of pressure from their clients to see quick results.
Even though Google’s (webmaster) guidelines do not say / explicitly that Gray-hat methods are prohibited or should not be used. Google search engine is still frowned upon this method and it may lead to undesired search results.
Examples of Gray-hat type of SEO uses clickbait types of content that are very sensational yet mediocre, but those are of no value to the users. These types of SEO are doing suspicious link exchange between the websites, click excessive links purposely, and paid review and more. It’s best to stay away from Gray-hat SEO type.
4. On-Page SEO
All the efforts and measures to perform on your site are to get a higher rank on the search engines fall under this category (On-Page SEO type). On-Page SEO method includes writing high-quality content and providing some useful information to your website readers or visitors. Also adding Meta tags help Google bots to understand your content better and HTML tags help to showcase and highlight headings and important content elements and make sure that there are no duplicate content or broken links.
Following up the URL structure and having correct naming system for various pages (similar) which fall under one category. On-page seo methods suggest when writing descriptive files names, choosing images (not big) for your blog post. There are many more on-page techniques your site needs to rank top on the search results.
5. Off-Page SEO
Off-Page SEO is doing everything outside of your website to make your website get rank in Google’s SERPs. The off-page SEO method includes building links from high authority and trusted sites to your site in the same domain as you.
Getting more views from the social media marketing and getting positive reviews about your website and products from various online forums also off-page seo type.
6. Technical SEO
Technical SEO type is the straightforward SEO method to help Google bots to crawl your site successfully. Also Tech SEO type helps the bots to interpret and index all posts and pages of your website or blog for future use.
Creating a sitemap XML file, adding structured data and making your website mobile-friendly help the web-crawlers categorize your pages based on the content types.
7. Negative SEO
Among all types of SEO, Negative SEO is the most detestable and unethical. The negative SEO is done with the direct intention of spoiling your competitors ranking and taking that place or getting benefited from it. Negative SEO is hacking someone’s website and building or adding suspicious, spammy and low quality links on it and posting negative reviews about particular websites on various discussion forums sites. You should NOT follow this method.
If the one practicing the Negative SEO is caught, they need to lead to legal ordeals. Never ever try to do negative SEO to get top rank or spoil someone’s website.
Here is the detailed video about Negative SEO.
8. Content SEO
Content SEO is, quite simply, writing content to rank top in the search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and more. You may think that all content is SEO Content, but that’s NOT true.
Remember, any kind of content can be “SEO Content“. Those are,
However when most bloggers or bloggers are talking about “SEO Content” they mean “Blog Posts”.
If you want your article or blog post to get top on the organic search results then you need to follow some proven SEO framework. Those are,
We’ve listed the 8 types of SEO and explained in detail. However I would strongly recommend my readers to follow the White-Hat SEO type which brings organic visitors to your website. And white hat seo method is the best way to do online business effectively.
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