Want in on the digital marketing tea? Earlier this year, you may have heard about privacy changes in iOS14 affecting digital marketing efforts – particularly via Facebook Ads. This is the 2nd major privacy change from Apple in the past few months, the first being the removal of 3rd party cookies from their Safari browser.
The TL;DR? This policy will prevent certain data collection and sharing, unless individuals actively allow tracking on their iOS 14 device. When users opt out of tracking on iOS 14 devices, this limits an advertisers ability to personalize ads and report on performance for both web and app conversions.
Here’s what these changes could mean for your business:
This update primarily affects advertisers promoting to mobile apps or advertising to lists of device IDs.
The iOS14 changes will impact the ability to track some conversion events within ad platforms, which could further affect the ability for these platforms, like Facebook, to use AI-based optimizations to improve your campaigns.
Reporting on conversions from within the ad platforms may change, especially if you are defaulting to longer attribution windows.
YES, you can still build remarketing audiences and serve remarketing ads via the Google ads pixel, Facebook pixel and many other digital platforms. However, you may see a decrease in the size of your remarketing audiences, and therefore your reach.
This update will only affect audience sizes and campaigns targeting mobile and tablet devices. We do not expect to see drastic changes on desktop devices.
Our marketing team works tirelessly to stay up to date on changes in the digital marketing and technology space that may impact our clients. If you would like to better understand how these changes will affect your business and/or digital marketing efforts, contact us. We can help!
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