In the Digital Masters Conference, nine digital marketing experts will share their knowledge, expertise and experience.
What’s common between Elon Musk, Richard Branson and Gary Vaynerchuk? Apart from their success, it’s their personal brand that stands out. Earlier, branding was largely restricted to companies and organisations. But the internet has not only enabled individuals to build their own brands but also made it almost mandatory.
Digital Masters Conference () is a one-day intensive scheduled on August 15, which will give you knowledge, strategies and the latest trends in the digital world to help you scale up your business. You will learn from experts on how to become a powerful personal brand, apart from understanding Influencer Marketing, Lead Generation Strategies, Affiliate Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, Facebook Advertising, Content Marketing, Conversion Optimisation and more.
The team of nine experts includes: Sorav Jain, a digital marketer from Chennai, has trained more than 100,00 people in digital marketing and personal branding.
Considered to be one of the best social media marketing professionals in India, he uses his skills to help clients from across the world.
Kulwant Nagi is a professional blogger from Haryana, who has been able to monetise his blog and also his personal brand. “Thanks to my personal brand, I have been able to collaborate with the best companies in the world to promote their products as an affiliate,” Nagi says.
Gopal Krishnan, who is from Coimbatore, is another example of using personal brands to push boundaries. “People want to hear stories and I happen to tell great stories,” says Krishnan, who has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs use the power of personal branding and storytelling to communicate to their audience effectively.
These stalwarts of the industry have come together with six other digital marketers to share their knowledge.
The conference is being organised by Success Gyan, as part of the CEO and founder Surendran Jayasekar’s belief that they are in the transformation business and the ultimate metric is how many lives they have impacted and transformed.
When: August 15
Where: Hotel Sahara Star, Mumbai.
General tickets are sold out and very few VIP seats are available for Rs 5,999. VIP ticket holders will get a chance to take a picture with the nine digital masters.
For more details call 9840013012. For online booking visit: www.digitalmastersconference.com
Proactivity, Setting New Goals, Prioritisation: Stephen Covey’s 7 Rules For Success
A Legendary Mind
23 Oct, 2018
An American educator, author, businessman and keynote speaker, Stephen Covey left behind a legacy of teachings about time management, leadership, effectiveness and success in his books.Covey, who passed away in July 2012, was author of the popular book ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’. However, this was not the only book written by the legend. He also wrote ‘First Things First’, ‘Principle-Centered Leadership’, ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families’, and ‘The Leader In Me’ which were a compilation of management principles. Here are some powerful business quotes by him that have influenced B-school grads and leaders alike.
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