A consumer will most likely do research online when they’re about to make a big purchasing decision. This person will be looking for the right information before making the ultimate decision. If you’re on the solar business, there are several ways you can benefit from digital marketing. Prospective solar panel buyers are savvy and will not make the purchase before doing research. How do you know what someone is searching for before they make the decision? It might not be a bad idea to look for a residential solar marketing program that focuses on conversions.
Digital marketing can be a powerful tool for solar power companies if it is used in the right way. You need to make sure you have your online presence in order so that you don’t miss out on prospective clients. Here are some of the benefits of digital marketing for your solar business.
Connecting With Customers
Digital marketing provides the opportunity to connect with customers when they’re most engaged. They could be actively looking for a solution for their problem and you have a small window of opportunity to make an impression. Your website is the best digital asset that you could possess. It is used to create awareness and for conversion purposes as well.
You should try as much as possible to answer all the questions that a potential customer might be having. It can be through a blog post, product demonstration, or even infographics.
Your website will need to be well optimized for search engines. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial if you’re to rank on the first page of search engines. Keywords need to be used strategically so that they match with a search query for solar panel products.
Keeping Leads Warm
Warm leads are usually easy to convert because such people are at advanced stages of the buying funnel. They just need to be guided so that they know they’re making the right decision. The prospective customer might not make the decision on the spot but that doesn’t mean there is no interest in the product. Maybe they need more time before making a decision. This is where retargeting comes in. A potential customer that has already interacted with your brand is more likely to buy from you compared to a brand that they haven’t encountered before. There should be a call to action whenever someone visits your website. You can have them sign up for free consultation and you can always follow up the lead with an email.
Reach New Audience
There is the potential of reaching a bigger audience if your market was previously limited to the brick and mortar setup. Social media presents an excellent opportunity to engage with potential customers. Studies have shown that people are likely to trust a product or brand if there is social proof. Social media sites like Facebook provide an opportunity for customers to see and witness the positive experiences.
Campaigns Can Be Tracked and Refined
Digital marketing is unlike traditional advertising where you can only hope for the best once you’ve put your ad on the paper. With digital marketing, everything is measurable. There are many different ways of gathering data for solar digital marketing.
Google Analytics will provide a ton of actionable information when you’re running the marketing campaigns. You’re able to track the leads and how much you spend. This will make the decision making a lot easier. You will be able to optimize the campaigns that are successful and pose those that are not performing. You don’t need all the data to take action. So long as the campaigns are profitable, you can always increase the budgets depending on the margins.
Educating Potential Customers
Someone who is looking for solar panels might not be aware of the exact benefits. Your website should be a complete resource so that the potential customer doesn’t go anywhere else to look for information. Solar is a relatively new topic for a lot of consumers and not everyone will have a deep understanding of the subject. They need convincing answers before they can make a decision. You should not be focused on selling but also creating high-value educational material about solar and the benefits that a consumer could get. There should also be a landing page that offers a free consultation. It will be easier to sell to someone who understands what they are buying. Digital marketing could increase your revenue potential if it is done in the right way.