I mentioned in yesterday’s post that one of my favorite aspects of my work is developing long term partnership with clients.
One of the benefits of a long term partnership with our clients is that enables us to support our authors in keeping their books in the conversation: weeks, months, and even years after their launch weeks.
In order to create sustained sales for your book, you have to continue to share valuable content from the book, on your website and around the web. When you do this, you create awareness of and interest in your book. Alternatively, you need others (other bloggers, influencers) to join you in sharing your book.
As I have shared before, when you write a book, you need to be prepared to marry your message. Promoting your book is a long-term commitment!
Content you share + buzz your content creates + buzz others share = your book in the conversation = book sales.
Time and time again, our work with clients proves this equation. It also reinforces my strongly held belief that if you do nothing to promote your book and its message, you will not sell books.
Focused, consistent execution of a clearly defined promotion strategy is the only way you can sell books and reach your bigger picture goals.
Just this week, we sought to bring a great book back into the conversation. One year ago today, we launched Steven Snyder’s acclaimed book, Leadership and the Art of Struggle. Because we have an ongoing relationship with Steven, we used this anniversary week as motivation to share the book again. We asked bloggers who helped launch the book to tweet and share again. They did! (Thank you!)
As a result, Steven’s book is ranked again in its categories on Amazon. Keeping the book in the conversation = book sales.
We saw the same effect when we celebrated the anniversary of the launch of Bev Kaye and Julie Winkle Giulioni’s book .
It’s not complicated — in fact, this strategy could not be simpler. Keep your book in the conversation. Use whatever tactics you’d like and let me know if you see results. I am confident you will!
Will you join us in keeping Steven’s book in the conversation? Or, if you have not already, buy the book!
Celebrating one year since the launch of #artofstruggle by @Steven_J_Snyder Buy Now! http://bit.ly/ArtofStruggle Click to Tweet Now!