My name is Tony Lee Hamilton, also known on the internet as “The Digital Marketing Veteran”.
I love fishing, baseball, affiliate marketing, social media, internet marketing, Jesus, God, family and friends.
I served in the United States Army from 1984-1991;
afterwards, I moved families across the country carrying furniture and driving 18 wheeler trucks.
I have been earning an income online since 2009, helping friends to increase website traffic, referrals, social media presence and revenue online from anywhere in the world!
Thank God for the internet and the ability to earn an income online without having to do all of the physical things that I used to do!
I have an awesome teenage son. (His mom and I adopted him at birth. Sadly, she went to Heaven because of breast cancer.)
He and I have plans to travel upon his College Graduation.
We will start off in New Zealand, then Australia, and from there go where our hearts and souls guide us!
We plan to visit all 7 continents and, if possible, rent a Jeep Wrangler, as well as fish on each one.
When and if we return to the United States, we plan to purchase some land with a large pond or lake on it and open a Family Christian Campground.
It will be a non-profit organization for families as well as youth groups to come and worship while competing and having fun outdoors.
There, we will have baseball fields, basketball courts, an obstacle course, a firing range, as well as archery, swimming, fishing, and of course a place of worship and anything else we can think of.
I am honored and humbled that God has gifted me with the ability to help friends earn an income online from anywhere in the World.
View my Top Recommendations by visiting the homepage at TonyLeeHamilton.com
For Friends who are on Facebook and would like an Excellent Facebook Group to share your Opportunities and/or websites onto here is one that I have created and it now has over 3,330 Friends – Internet Affiliate Marketing Friends
You can also connect with me on Social sites by clicking on any and/or all of the links below:
Contact me anytime and I will help when & where I can.
All of Our continued success is my daily prayer.
Thank you Friends,
My #1 Recommendation to Friends who would like to increase website traffic, referrals, leads and/or income online.
Global Moneyline has an Awesome Affiliate Compound Leverage Earning Plan isn’t an MLM as there is only ever 1 member who receives payment when another member upgrades. (Not that there’s anything wrong with Multi-Level Marketing and/or earning on many levels -This just isn’t one of those things)
After watching the 9 minute video below, You can learn much more by simply signing up for free at TonyLeeHamilton.GlobalMoneyline.com <- Click there to learn much more and/or start Your MoneyLine today to start sharing your website, your social media pages, your affiliate links, your product links, your service links, your referral links and/or anything else that you want to grow & all without sharing your email!
The only persons who receive your email are the admin and your referrer, all communication is accomplished within the Moneyline system = No Spam Emails!
Watch the 9 minute video below to have an insiders look into the Moneyline platform now to see how I share this very website at MoneyLine to create more traffic, referrals, leads and income to the platforms that I promote here.
Update 17 October 2018:
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