What is e-marketing? Its role in internet commerce. • Artemisnm

The Internet has long become a regular part of our daily life. Belgians are increasingly shopping online because it is convenient and profitable. According to statistics, nearly 7 million people make regular purchases in online stores. Email marketing helps you find new customers and sell your product or service on the network.

In this article, we will discuss the current ways of attracting customers to an online store.

Promotion via search engines

Each of us regularly uses Google or another search site to find the information we need. More often than not, we find what we were looking for on the first page and rarely look at more than two pages of search results. To grow your market and get more customers, you need to get a foothold on the first page of the search engine. In another way, the first page is called the top 10 search results.

The texts and images that you publish on your online store’s website must be SEO optimized for the pages to go to the top of the results for the searches you need. Experts recommend spending once in a competent SEO environment to earn income many times over.

Based on the aggregated semantics (the total number of searches your potential customers can use to search for goods), search or contextual advertising is built. Unlike organic search results, it will be displayed above the search results for your query. Cost-per-click in contextual ads depends on many factors, including niche competition, the quality of your ad, and landing page. The main purpose of such ads is to attract as many ready-to-buy visitors to your page as possible using a well-designed ad. Unlike SEO, contextual advertising starts working immediately after launch, but it also stops working once the budget for your ad account runs out.

Remarketing is a separate type of search ad. This concept implies repeat users who have ever visited your site by re-showing your ad to this specific audience. Many people are confronted with remarketing: all you have to do is look at the information about purchasing a phone, and then you regularly see advertisements with an offer to buy this phone, you get ‘just today’ discount and extra bonuses. Well-tuned remarketing can generate significant sales growth.

Set up targeted social media ads

You can find out for yourself the idiosyncrasies of targeted advertising or hire a specialist not to “drain” the budget. This type of promotion is based on optimizing an ad for a specific target audience that regularly uses a particular social network.

The best platforms for targeted advertising are social media


There is an opinion that Facebook is more suitable for promoting products aimed at an audience with a higher purchasing power, but this does not mean that it is not suitable for promoting goods in the middle and low price segment.

Instagram is the fastest growing social network and a huge market for you. With a 100% chance you can say that your customers are on Instagram. Well-tailored Instagram ads successfully direct customers to almost any niche, be it law firms, estheticians, or an online retailer.

Promotion and trade with interactive content marketing

Let’s try to explain this in simple terms.

Let’s review the statistics. She kindly suggests that the conversion rate from visitors to buyers is 6 times higher for those online stores that use content marketing as a promotional method.

Here are some content marketing opportunities you can use to increase sales in your online store or business:

blogging on your store’s site, regular publication of thematic content (useful articles, news) contributes to increased public respect and loyalty;

regular publication of articles linking to your online store in other popular blogs with similar topics;

native (native) advertisements on third party sites (the purpose of such articles or videos is to smoothly guide the reader or viewer to the need to purchase a particular product from a particular store);

maintaining the pages of your online store in different social networks (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.), taking into account the characteristics of a specific audience.

Content marketing is getting more and more popular every year. Make sure to use these advertising methods and keep them in mind when planning your budget. In today’s market, you can sell any product or service by creating a thematic page on a social network and attracting customers from these sources.

Promotion with people and their opinion

Most people prefer to read the opinions of other customers of this supplier before buying anything online. According to surveys, 88% of potential online store buyers regularly check information on various review sites. If you want to attract a large audience, you need to determine what opinions about you appear on the internet and give your customers feedback.

Don’t underestimate the bloggers who are the new influencers on the internet. They have a large number of readers ready to buy whatever their favorite blogger will offer them. When choosing an influencer to buy ads, try to understand if your product will be of interest to their target audience.

Regularly advertise via automatic messages

Mailing continues to be one of the best ways to advertise on the Internet: by regularly sending promotional letters to potential customers’ email addresses, you can increase your sales several times over. Use letters associated with one idea and draw attention. Send promotional information to anyone who has purchased products from you in the past. Don’t forget to segment your audience. Men should receive letters about the best gifts for Mother’s Day and women for Father’s Day. Try organizing a newsletter with one of the popular instant messengers (FacebookMessenger, Telegram, Viber, WhatsApp).

Add an online consultant to your shopping website. He can encourage the customer to buy and help him make the right choice. Enable the option to notify you of current offers active on your page. This way you can regularly remind the customer of yourself. At the same time, it is important not to overload the site with a large number of pop-up windows offering to call back, get advice or get a discount. Overuse of such tools can negatively affect a potential customer’s perception of your store.

Promotion through sweepstakes and promotional offers

Many organizations regularly grab the attention of their potential buyers through giveaways and giveaways. This is a great solution for anyone looking to forge a closer bond with their audience. According to leading advertising agencies, the simpler the terms of the drawing, the more people will participate in it.

You can also invite your guests to purchase a free trial product for a closer look at the business. Regular discounts also grab users’ attention.

Alternative Promotion Methods

It seems to many that it doesn’t make sense to post your ads on bulletin board sites regularly. However, this is not the case: popular bulletin boards have a huge audience (the number of visitors reaches several hundred thousand people per month).

Another interesting promotion solution is to add information about your product and company to popular catalogs and directories.

An interesting solution for promotion is to add information about your product to folders and catalogs

Remember, the more promotional methods you use, the better you can achieve results in attracting customers. The role of email marketing in online sales is huge. Use the available tools only carefully and professionally.

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