What is the Definition of Digital Marketing and its Benefits for Business?

Understanding Digital Marketing is an activity or marketing activity in a series of ways and techniques that use digital media that worship get traffic, data, and customers.

Marketing is a series of efforts to convey, disseminate, and offer something to achieve certain goals. While digital means sophisticated equipment that is synonymous with technology that is always developing and providing convenience to the community.

Examples of digital media, websites, social media, online stores, marketplaces, digital payments, applications, search engines, are modern digital technologies that are most familiar with society today.

Among these, all can be used to help market products, businesses or businesses that are more modern and potential because they have very fast and wide-reaching access.

The Main Purpose of Digital Marketing as Marketing

Marketing target

The main objective of “digital marketing” is marketing that utilizes tools or digital media to reach target consumers quickly, precisely and broadly. It also can be more effective and efficient in the use of advertising funds for business or business interests.

Increase Brand Awareness

Actually increasing brand awareness is part of conventional and digital marketing, where the aim is to introduce a product or brand to the public. The more famous a brand / brand, the more easily accepted by consumers.

Advertising on television, billboards, radio which is commonly called conventional advertising is basically an effort to increase brand awareness. In the digital age, you can use Google Ads display advertisers, or Facebook and Instagram.

Marketing law is increasingly known both a product and brand by the public, then it will be more easily accepted by consumers

Building a Market Database

What if we have the right consumer market database and in accordance with our products or services?

For example, the hijab business, with digital marketing, can gather the prospect of consumers with the criteria of women ages 18-40, Muslim, and like fashion. This database can later be utilized to offer by e-mail or advertisements that are very effective and efficient in digital marketing activities.

Digital Analysis

After determining the target, which is analyzing to implement the most effective and efficient digital marketing system. Use several kinds of tools as an analysis page to measure an advertisement, user behavior, and include the use of ad budgets, so that it really fits your target marketing.

Like Google Analytics, Search Console, Facebook Ads Manager, Instagram Insigt etc.