What Should You Add To Your Digital Marketing Reports To Level Them Up?

Digital marketing reports are an essential tool for tracking the performance and results of your online marketing efforts. These reports provide valuable insights into how your campaigns are doing and where there’s room for improvement. However, not all digital marketing reports are created equal. Simply presenting metrics without any context or recommendations is a missed opportunity to really take your reports to the next level.

The key to creating digital marketing reports that deliver true value is to go beyond just the numbers. Of course the key performance indicators and metrics are crucial. But surrounding those with additional context, analysis, and strategic recommendations is what transforms an average report into something that drives real business impact.

Some of the things you can add to give your digital marketing reports more value include competitor benchmarking, historical trend analysis, insights into customer behavior, and concrete recommendations for optimization. The goal is to provide stakeholders with not just data, but actionable strategic intelligence that empowers them to make smarter marketing decisions.

Great digital marketing reports should inform, analyze, and advise. By adding robust context and strategic guidance to your reports, you can create something that is far more insightful and useful. This gives your stakeholders a report that is worth their time and attention and helps move the needle on marketing performance.

Let’s level up your digital Marketing!

Identify the key metrics that should be included in your reports

The key to extracting meaningful insights from your digital marketing data is reporting on the metrics that matter most. Not all metrics are created equal when it comes to driving strategic decisions and improving performance. You want to identify the true key performance indicators (KPIs) that align to your goals and provide actionable intelligence. In this section, we’ll explore some of the most important KPIs for digital marketing across website traffic, conversions, ROI, and engagement. Selecting the right metrics will allow you to spot important trends, identify issues, and fine-tune your digital strategies over time. Robust and relevant KPIs form the foundation for strategic reporting that generates real impact.

Website Traffic

  • Number of site visitors
  • Visitor source (organic, paid, referral, direct, social, email, etc.)
  • Visitor location
  • Pages per visit
  • Bounce rate
  • Time on site
  • Traffic by device type (mobile vs. desktop)

Monitoring your website traffic metrics provides insight into how people are finding your site, what they are doing on your site, and how engaged they are with your content. Changes in traffic patterns can signal issues or opportunities.


  • Form fills and sign-ups
  • Email list growth
  • Landing page views and conversions
  • Demo requests
  • Free trial sign-ups
  • Product purchases

Tracking conversions and leads lets you measure the effectiveness of your digital marketing campaigns at driving the actions and outcomes you care about. Pay close attention to conversion rates across campaigns and assets.

Return on Investment

  • Cost per lead
  • Cost per acquisition
  • Marketing originated customer revenue
  • Net marketing contribution

Calculating ROI helps you understand the revenue impact of your digital marketing initiatives. Make sure to factor in both marketing costs and the revenue generated.


  • Social media followers and engagement
  • Email open and clickthrough rates
  • Loyalty program membership
  • UGC and reviews

Monitoring engagement shows how interested your audience is in your brand and content. Increased engagement is a sign you’re providing value.

The specific metrics you report on should tie directly to your goals and business model. But tracking metrics across these core categories gives you the data needed to spot trends, identify issues, and continually refine your digital marketing strategies.

Tips on how to make your reports more actionable

Simply presenting metrics and data isn’t enough to drive real value from digital marketing reports. To maximize the impact of your reports, you need to make them actionable. This means going beyond the numbers to provide critical analysis and guidance that empowers stakeholders to make smarter marketing decisions. In this section, we’ll look at some tips and strategies for creating truly actionable reports that get results. You’ll learn how to highlight insights, provide recommendations, establish goals, use visualizations effectively, and more. With these techniques, your reports will become living strategy documents that optimize marketing performance instead of just stale PDFs that get filed away. Let’s dive in to level up the actionability of your digital marketing reporting.

  • Highlight key insights clearly. Don’t bury important insights in paragraphs of text. Pull out the most impactful findings and present them prominently using bullet points, subheaders, or call-out text. Make sure stakeholders understand the top takeaways.
  • Explain what the data means. Provide analysis and commentary to interpret the data for readers. Explain why metrics have changed and what the implications are. Don’t just present numbers without context.
  • Make specific optimization recommendations. Don’t stop at identifying issues. Offer concrete recommendations for what stakeholders can do to improve results. Tie these to your insights and data.
  • Set benchmarks and goals. Establish clear goals and benchmarks so progress can be measured. Call out areas where goals have been met or exceeded, as well as those that are lagging.
  • Use visualizations. Charts, graphs, and data visualizations make reports more visually appealing and data easier to digest. But choose clear visuals that highlight your most important insights.
  • Share trends over time. Don’t only report on the latest data. Show how performance has trended up or down over time. This gives context and helps identify patterns.
  • Create an executive summary. Summarize key findings at the start of the report. Busy stakeholders can get the core insights without reading the full report.
  • Make it skimmable. Use concise headings, bullets, and bolding so readers can skim and find the information they need quickly.
  • Offer next steps. Provide specific recommendations on what actions stakeholders should take based on the data and insights. This drives better decision making.

Following these tips will result in digital marketing reports that engage readers, clearly

Keep your reports concise and easy to understand

With stakeholders often pressed for time, creating succinct and scannable digital marketing reports is crucial. Overly dense or text-heavy reports are likely to be ignored, limiting their potential impact. The key is distilling your data into digestible, focused reports that clearly communicate the most important insights. In this section, we’ll explore tips for streamlining your digital marketing reports including using an executive summary, focusing on key metrics, leveraging visuals and white space, and tailoring content to your audience. With a relentless focus on brevity and clarity, you can produce reports that stakeholders will actually read, understand, and take action on. Say more with less through strategic simplification and synthesis.

Here are some tips on how to keep your digital marketing reports concise and easy to understand:

  • Focus on the most important metrics. Don’t try to track everything. Focus on the metrics that are most important to your goals and objectives.
  • Use clear and concise language. Avoid jargon and technical terms that your audience may not understand.
  • Use visuals. Visuals can help to make your reports more engaging and easier to understand. Use charts, graphs, and other visuals to illustrate your key points.
  • Tailor your reports to your audience. Not all reports are created equal. Tailor your reports to the specific needs of your audience. For example, if you’re reporting to your CEO, you’ll need to focus on the financial implications of your marketing campaigns. If you’re reporting to your marketing team, you can focus on the more technical aspects of your campaigns.
  • Get feedback. Once you’ve created your reports, get feedback from your colleagues and stakeholders. This will help you to identify any areas where you can improve your reports.
  • Start with an executive summary. This should be a brief overview of the report that highlights the key findings.
  • Use headings and subheadings. This will help to break up your report and make it easier to read.
  • Use white space. Don’t cram too much information into one page. Use white space to make your report easier to scan.
  • Proofread your report carefully before you distribute it. This will help to catch any errors in grammar or spelling.

With these best practices, you can create focused reports that clearly communicate your data, insights, and recommendations in a readily consumable format for busy stakeholders.

Use visuals to help communicate your data

While data and metrics are central to digital marketing reports, presenting that information clearly and engagingly is critical for driving understanding and action. The strategic use of data visualizations provides an opportunity to bring your reports to life. Compelling charts, graphs, and illustrations amplify engagement, enhance memorability, and help convey insights more efficiently than text alone. In this section, we’ll explore best practices for incorporating purpose-driven visuals into your reports through choosing appropriate styles for your data, focusing each visual on one key point, and customizing designs for your target audience. With thoughtful visual strategy, you can create reports that inform, inspire, and incite stakeholders to make data-driven marketing decisions.

Here are some tips on using visuals effectively in digital marketing reports:

  • Choose appropriate chart types. Pick the right visual display for each data type. For example, bar charts for comparisons, line graphs for trends, pie charts for percentages, scatter plots for correlations, etc.
  • Keep visuals simple and clutter-free. Do not overwhelm the visual with excessive data points, labels, or design elements. Make sure the key takeaway is clear.
  • Focus each visual on one key insight. Don’t try to cram multiple data stories into one visual. Isolate the most important finding.
  • Make sure visuals are readable. Use legible fonts, appropriate text sizing, and high contrast colors. Avoid 3D effects or stylized fonts that reduce readability.
  • Use descriptive headlines and labels. Give each visual a clear, concise headline summarizing the insight. Axis labels should clearly define the data.
  • Employ color intentionally. Use color to draw attention to the most important parts of the visual or data trends/patterns. But don’t go overboard.
  • Maintain consistency in design. Use similar styles, layouts, fonts, and color schemes across all visuals in the report for consistency.
  • Consider audience needs when customizing. Technical audiences may prefer more complex visuals than executives who want quick insights.
  • Only include essential context and data. Don’t clutter the visual with unnecessary text, data, or visual Embellishments. Keep the focus on the core insight.

Using the right type of easy-to-digest visuals tailored to your audience amplifies the impact of your digital marketing data and drives better understanding of key insights.

Tailor your reports to your audience

The most effective digital marketing reports are tailored to their intended audience. Reporting needs and preferences can vary greatly depending on the reader’s role, technical expertise, goals, and level in the organization. Executives want high-level insights they can act on while data analysts seek detailed technical breakdowns. By customizing report content, design, data, and visuals for each reader group, you can deliver maximum relevance and impact. In this section, we’ll explore tips for understanding your target audiences and what matters most to them, emphasizing actionable insights, using reader-centric designs, and soliciting feedback. Tailoring your approach to your readers’ needs will result in resonant reports that inform, inspire, and move key stakeholders to action.

  • Understand your stakeholders’ goals and objectives. What metrics and insights do they care about most? Tailor content accordingly.
  • Consider varying levels of expertise. Avoid overwhelming non-technical folks with data jargon. But don’t oversimplify for technical experts. Find the right balance.
  • Highlight the most relevant insights up front. Busy executives want high-level takeaways. Lower-level team members may want more detailed data.
  • Use clear section headings and signposting. Make it easy for readers to find the information they need quickly.
  • Include explanatory notes and context as needed. Provide extra context for audiences less familiar with the subject matter.
  • Use reader-centric visualizations and designs. Employ visuals, fonts, and layouts that feel familiar to the target reader.
  • Emphasize actionability for business leaders. Focus on strategic recommendations for optimizing performance.
  • Add interactivity for digital reports. Enable technical users to dive deeper into the underlying data.
  • Solicit stakeholder feedback. Ask readers if the report provides the information they need in a clear and useful manner.

Taking the time to tailor reports to your readers’ needs and perspectives results in relevant, high-impact reports that drive better understanding and decision making across all audiences.

Make your reports actionable

Simply presenting data is not enough. To create truly effective digital marketing reports, you need to connect insights directly to clear recommendations for optimization. Stakeholders are relying on your reports not just to inform strategy but to guide actions that will improve performance. By spotlighting your most important findings, providing tactical tips tied to the data, benchmarking against goals, quantifying potential impact, and outlining next steps, you can craft reports that mobilize your audience to execute on your recommendations. In this section, we’ll explore strategies for transforming your reports from static documents into actionable roadmaps focused on driving real business results.

Here are some tips for making your digital marketing reports more actionable:

  • Highlight the most impactful insights up front. Don’t bury key findings. Lead with the insights that will have the greatest business impact.
  • Make concrete optimization recommendations. Don’t just point out issues. Provide specific, tactical tips for improving results.
  • Connect insights directly to recommendations. Show a clear link between the data analysis and the recommended actions.
  • Benchmark against goals and past performance. This provides context around progress and opportunities.
  • Outline next steps and owners. Define who will be responsible for executing on recommendations.
  • Establish deadlines for taking action. This drives a sense of urgency and accountability.
  • Quantify the impact where possible. Estimate how much proposed optimizations can increase revenue, lower costs, etc.
  • Track and report on impact over time. Follow up on action item implementation and continue monitoring key metrics.
  • Solicit feedback from stakeholders. Ask what additional insights or recommendations would make the reports more useful.
  • Refine based on feedback. Continuously improve the actionability of your reports based on stakeholder input.

The most powerful reports move beyond just informing to truly inciting action. These best practices will help transform your digital marketing data into actionable intelligence.


creating high-impact marketing reports is more critical than ever. But simply presenting metrics and data is not enough to drive real value. By going beyond the numbers to add robust context, analysis, recommendations, and visuals, you can transform your digital marketing reporting.

In this post, we covered several strategies for taking your reports to the next level:

  • Identify the most important KPIs tied to your goals to shape data-driven strategy
  • Provide insights and guidance to make your reports truly actionable
  • Use visualizations and designs tailored to your readers for maximum resonance
  • Maintain focus and brevity to highlight the most impactful insights
  • Continuously refine based on stakeholder feedback to enhance relevance

Great digital marketing reporting informs, analyzes, advises, and activates your audience. By implementing even some of these best practices explored, you can create living strategy documents that engage stakeholders and incite smarter marketing decisions. Don’t let your reports languish as static PDFs. Instead, leverage them as an opportunity to guide strategy, optimize performance, and accelerate results. Just a few tweaks and additions can level up the impact of your digital marketing reporting dramatically.

The post What Should You Add To Your Digital Marketing Reports To Level Them Up? first appeared on Thrive Business Marketing.

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