Now, is this something new I am telling? NO
But many of us ignore such details and that cost them ranking and their online reputation.
Few reasons if you have found a duplicate listing on Google My Business:
a) You might have worked with different marketing companies and they reluctantly created the account without checking and claiming the existing account.
This normally happens when you are a new business and they don’t value the existing account. The practice of creating duplicate accounts are not recommended.
Always ask your marketing team, to use the existing Google My Business account.
b) You might have created a Google My Business account with an old email address you are no longer using.
c) This is cheap but someone else might have created a listing to defame your business.
How to remove the business listing?
But not to worry. It’s easy to claim the listing or get the duplicate listing removed.
Search for the Duplicate Google My Business listing. Click on “Suggest an edit”
Google will ask for the reason to remove listing.
Google will show multiple options to choose from.
Once you will select the appropriate option Google will show your real business listing.
Follow the instruction and a feedback will be sent to Google to review your request.
You don’t need to do anything else.
Hope this is helpful.
Let me know in the comment section if you have any question.
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