What You Can Expect from Our Digital Marketing Company: One Thing Marketing’s Core Project Plan

For business owners in and around Louisville, KY, there is one fundamental need…customers. Without the all important customer, you have no business. One of the best ways, if not THE best way to build your customer base is to build and grow an online presence for your business.

Go ahead and ask yourself, “How the heck do I do that?!”

We’re glad you asked! Hiring our digital marketing company, One Thing Marketing, is the answer.

We are the best of the best when it comes to creating and building online marketing strategies. (Yes, we are tooting our own horn.) We begin to implement these strategies through what we call a “Core Plan.”

Each Core Plan is customized to the needs and budget of each individual client. Every plan is built on a few fundamental elements that are the most effective in building a website and web presence. We call these our “Core SEO” elements. They are:

  • Custom Website Design
  • Onpage Website Optimization
  • Local Search Optimization

Remember that while these are “fundamental” we still cater each one to your specific business budget and goals.


Once your Core Plan is finished, our partnership doesn’t have to stop there. (Everyone leaps for joy!) If you are craving more leads or your industry is competitive enough to need work on a more ongoing basis, then we can roll right into a “Dynamic Plan.” The reader’s digest version of a Dynamic Plan is that it consists of work that is flexible and can fluctuate based off results and changes that we see during quarterly evaluations of your website and its performance.

For now, we are going to focus on describing each step of the Core process and what you can expect from us and what is expected of you. To make things a little more fun, we are going to follow Charlie with Tuff’s Security and talk about what he went through during his time working with our amazing digital marketing company.

Where The Ball Starts Rolling: The Strategy Session

We are going to start this Core Plan from the very VERY beginning. Charlie started his own security business and is needing some help getting his name out in the community and gaining more productive leads. What is the first thing he does?

He hops on his computer and does a Google search for “marketing companies in louisville ky.”

And would you look at that! Look who pops up first in the map results!

We use the same basic online marketing principles for our digital marketing company as we do with each of our clients. If this doesn’t prove that we practice what we preach, then we don’t know what does.

Now that Charlie has found us, the ball can start rolling.

Step 1: Give Us A Buzz

Whether Charlie calls us, submits a strategy session form through our site, or he heard about us from a friend, we will call him within 24 business hours to talk about what his needs are and if our partnership will help meet his business goals.

Step 2: It’s A Match!

After our initial chat, if we are a match made in heaven, then we will schedule Charlie’s FREE strategy session within the next week or at his earliest convenience.

In this meeting, we will dive deeper into what his needs are and give him a quick synopsis of how our services could benefit him. We will also cover what all goes into the three fundamental elements:

  • Website Design
    • We will create a website that is aesthetically pleasing and user friendly.
  • Onpage Website Optimization
    • We will make sure the website is ranking for specific keywords that relate to Charlie’s products and services.
  • Local Search Optimization
    • We will create and optimize hundreds of local directories to ensure Charlie’s business name, address, and phone number, or NAP, is correct across the web.

Once this meeting is over, we will ask Charlie if he gives us the green light to create a first draft of his custom marketing plan. This meeting is in no way a formal commitment to work with us. If this first meeting is not one to write home about, then no feelings hurt here. If the fit is not mutual, then we will bow out and wish Charlie the best of luck.

Step 3: We Get Creative

If Charlie gives us the okay, then our team will need about a week to create Charlie’s customized online marketing strategy based on his needs and budget discussed in the strategy session.

Step 4: Tell Us What You Think

After we wipe the sweat away from working hard on Charlie’s marketing plan, we will meet up to review our proposed plan. We ask that everyone involved in the decision making process be in attendance so we can answer every question, big and small, his team may have.

Step 5: Decision Time

We get it. Charlie probably doesn’t want to make his final decision right then and there in front of us. We will give him time to review his marketing plan, talk with his colleagues, and our team will follow up with him to hear his decision. Once Charlie has his decision, be it a yes or no, he needs to let our team know ASAP. That way we can stop stalking him 😉

Up to this point, Charlie has made no formal commitment to us. If after reviewing his custom online marketing strategy, he decides to not work with us, he can walk away with no strings attached. Our feelings won’t be hurt at all (well maybe just a tad.)

Step 6: Let’s Get This Wagon Train A Movin’


Charlie has decided to work with One Thing Marketing! He has given us the green light to begin implementing his custom online marketing strategy.

This no-obligation, FREE session could be the “one thing” (get it?!) Charlie needs to get his business off the ground and take it to the next level.

It’s Off To Work We Go

Now that Charlie has decided to work with a digital marketing company in Louisville, KY, he is excited to see where we can take his business.

At this point, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and get busy.

Here is how everything will go down…

Step 1: New Client Onboarding

Once Charlie approves of our proposed marketing strategy, the following things will happen:

  • Charlie will receive a service agreement from One Thing Marketing. He will need to sign it and send in his initial payment.
  • Next, we will send Charlie a copy of his contract, scope of work, and paid invoice.
  • Then, Charlie will receive a questionnaire. This will need to be filled out in its entirety and to the best of his abilities. While filling it out, if he has any questions, our team is more than happy to set up a call to help him out.
  • Once everything is signed, sealed, and delivered, we will schedule the Discovery Meeting.

This initial onboarding process takes on average one week to complete.

Step 2: Discovery Meeting

This is where we get down to the nitty-gritty and learn more about Charlie’s business, services/products, and how he wants his website to look.

This is a 1 to 2 hour meeting with both Charlie and the One Thing Marketing team. We will go over all aspects of the website design, process, and questionnaire.

After the Discovery Meeting, we will send Charlie a follow-up email within a week. This email will list out any additional information we need, especially those that Charlie specifically wanted on the site.

(HEY! Pay attention, this next part is really important.)

During the Discovery Meeting, Charlie mentioned that he has new headshots of his employees and some new testimonials that he wanted on his site. He has one week from the date of the follow-up email to get those elements to us or his Core Plan timeline could be delayed.

The Discovery Meeting process takes about 1 to 2 weeks.

Step 3: Website Build Begins

Once our team starts on Charlie’s website, he will receive weekly progress emails so he can follow along with our work. These emails will include updates on:

  • Backend development, site structure, and user flow mapping
  • Necessary plugins that were added, WordPress security updates, and website backups
  • Homepage design and progress of the professional service/product pages

The website build takes 8 weeks. During this time, there will be two main Milestones Charlie can look forward to.

Milestone 1:

  • Once week 4 or 5 rolls around, we will send Charlie a screenshot of the top of his homepage for approval. It is what his potential clients will see first when they visit the website, so it is an important first impression. We do this to ensure Charlie likes the overall design and vibe of we are using on his website. He has 1 week to either approve or request changes. If don’t hear from him, then we assume he likes it and continue working.
  • During this milestone, our team will also:
    • Finalize the design of all pages on the website
    • Setup Google Analytics and Google Search Console

Milestone 2:

  • Once we get to week 7, we will send Charlie the whole site for approval. We ask that he looks over the entire site for any changes he may want. He has one week to approve or request changes.
  • If Charlies does have some edits, our team will make those changes and make sure he is 100% happy with our design.
  • Upon approval, we will do what we call a “pre-launch” of the website and conduct a mobile audit to ensure his whole site is mobile friendly.
  • Once both Charlie and our team are in love, we will officially launch the website and make it live for the whole world to see.

During the whole website building process, we will send Charlie weekly progress emails and have monthly check-in calls. We do this to ensure everything goes according to plan, Charlie is always happy, and any questions that come up are answered promptly.

Step 3 ½: Onpage & Local Optimization

We are calling this step 3 ½ because the onpage and local optimization are not started after the website is finished, but about halfway through the website build process.

Onpage Website Optimization:

This is where our team will make sure Charlie’s website is ranking for specific keywords that are relevant to his industry and relate to his products and services.

In order to achieve this goal, our fabulous content writers will write service pages that describe each of Charlie’s services. Each page will be optimized around a specific keyword that will help that page show up in Google’s search results.

For example, Charlie owns and runs a security business. One of his services is installing security systems in residential homes. So our content writers would target the keyword “home security systems” in that specific service page.

The Onpage Optimization takes about 4 to 6 weeks and is usually completed 1 week after the website build is finished.

Local Search Optimization:

Across the world wide web, there are hundreds of directory sites that Charlie’s business name, address, and phone number could appear on. We’ve narrowed down the list to the most prominent search engines and sites, as well as picked out a few niche directories for Charlie’s business. To ensure that each listing is correct, our local search expert will do each of the following:

  • Create and optimize a Google My Business listing.
  • Create new business listings on several directory sites.
  • Combine or remove any duplicate listings that are found.
  • Update any existing listings that may have been previously created or have incorrect information.

Local Search Optimization takes the longest in the Core Plan, normally about 6 to 8 weeks. This is because of the vast number of directory sites that are out there and the turnaround time between finding incorrect/duplicate listings and requesting changes.

Partnership Is Almost Over

Remember that spoil alert from earlier? Here is where it comes into play.

During the initial strategy session, Charlie can choose one of the three options:

  1. Sign up for only a Core Project Plan
  2. Sign up for both a Core and Dynamic Plan
  3. Wait to decide on a Dynamic Plan near the completion of his Core Plan

While it is not required to sign up for a Dynamic Plan along with his Core Plan, we highly recommend doing both. This way, Charlie gets a digital marketing company that will constantly monitor his website, provide expert advice, and create ongoing marketing strategies that change with industry trends.

Having One Thing Marketing as Charlie’s marketing partner could be an added asset to his business.

Here are the three scenarios spelled out a little bit more…

1. Charlie signs up for a Dynamic Plan from the beginning.

  • If you are like Charlie in this scenario and signed up to do Core and Dynamic, then head on over to our other post to learn more about what is included in that scope of work with our digital marketing company.
  • Once his Core Plan is completed, we will seamlessly roll right into his Dynamic Plan.

2. Charlie did not sign up for Dynamic in the beginning, but loved working with us so much that now he wants to sign up for a Dynamic Plan.

  • As Charlie’s Core work comes to an end, we will give his a call to see if he would like to continue working with us and sign up for our Dynamic Plan.
  • He will get a new service agreement and we will set up a Re-Discovery meeting in the month following the end of his Core Plan to go over our Dynamic strategy with him.

3. Charlie chose not to sign up for Dynamic at the conclusion of his Core Plan.

  • Our team will finish up Charlie’s Core Plan and make sure he is 100% happy with the work we have done.
  • Once all the work is done, we will start the closing out process. This includes:
    • Making sure Charlie’s domain and hosting is registered in his name.
    • Updating the email in his website settings to make sure he receive any and all website notifications.
  • Charlie will also receive a closing email that will include the following information:
    • Since we are not the kind of digital marketing company to steal any digital assets, we will give Charlie the login information, including usernames and passwords, to his website and any other online entities we helped him set up.
    • A request to have one final phone call. This a great opportunity to hear any feedback about our work and processes. It’s also a great time to let us know how you felt about working with us or tell us if there are any areas we may need some improvement. This is a time to be completely honest. We can’t improve if we don’t hear honest feedback.

Working With One Thing Marketing Sounds Pretty Great, Right?

Well, what do you think?

Our Core Plan is a great way to get your business on its feet and start attracting some customers.

Who doesn’t want that?!

Here are some closing remarks from our team to you:

Your Core Plan will focus on the three basic “core” fundamentals”

  1. Custom Website Design
  2. Onpage Website Optimization
  3. Local Search Optimization

While these are the basic core elements we use for each of our Core clients, we tailor these elements to each client’s needs, goals, and budget.

Your partnership with our digital marketing company will provide you with a stellar website that will attract new leads and keep existing customers coming back to your for years to come.

You never know, your free strategy session could be the “one thing” that lets your business soar.

The post What You Can Expect from Our Digital Marketing Company: One Thing Marketing’s Core Project Plan appeared first on One Thing Marketing | Digital Marketing Agency in Louisville, KY.

One Thing Marketing
235 Brown Ave
Louisville, KY 40207
