A Simple Guide to PPC or Pay Per Click Advertising
Pay Per Click is one of the most effective advertising channels an online business owner can use. It can generate quick results while costing less than a thousand words or a blog post on your own website. In this brief article, I will show you how to do Pay Per Click for beginners. If you are new to online marketing and have not already invested in Pay Per Click campaigns, this should be a good option for you. I will show you exactly how it works and what to look for.
To begin, create a keyword list for your Pay Per Click campaign. A great way to do this is by using keyword tools like the Google Keyword Tool or the Overture keyword tool. Take the list of keywords and look at all the ways that keywords can be used. Look at the competition for each term, and note the maximum payouts for each term. You want to start very low, so you can learn how your competitors are using the keywords and then gradually increase the amount to bid on.
The next step is to find some low competition, high converting Pay Per Click campaigns to run on these keywords. There are many places online where you can find free campaigns to test out. Most of the time, if you enter the domain name in the search engines, you should get a list of thousands of websites. You can usually just follow the link and view the results, but there are a few exceptions such as the Google search engine.
To test your pay per click campaign, take the keyword and create a page on your website focused on that term. Your visitors should be able to find that page without having to go further than that webpage. Since most people type their keywords into the address bar, you should see a large amount of traffic after loading up your page.
It’s at this point that you can experiment with your pay per click campaign by changing the terms of your campaign. For example, you may want to promote your keyword by adding the keyword as a domain name, instead of just using it as the domain name of your website. This can make a huge difference in your ranking in the search engines. It will take some experimentation and a lot of tweaking, but the result is worth it when your page ranks higher. You will have used your keyword to drive traffic to your site, and in turn, you will make more money from your campaign.
Try out different variations of your keyword until you find one that converts better. A word of caution here: don’t try to fool around with the Google search engine. You could end up getting banned by them for using suspicious tactics. You may also want to test out a number of variations of each keyword to find out which one converts better. Keep an eye on your competitor’s pages and you may be surprised at what you find.
Make sure that you are bidding on keywords that are relevant to your niche. This will ensure that you only pay per click when someone actually clicks through to your website. Pay per click marketing is a lot like real estate: you only pay when someone actually buys something. So, don’t bid on words that no one will ever see or type into the search engine!
Make sure you keep track of how many times each of your keywords has been used to help increase your CTR (click through rate). If your keywords are not getting you the conversions you need, change them. Some common conversions include: getting an order, creating an impulse, getting a return, getting a friend’s email address, and getting people to join a list. If you notice a low conversion rate for a keyword, try changing it to a more appropriate keyword that has a high conversion rate.
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