Social media is perhaps one of the most controversial talking points for marketers. It’s constantly evolving, from algorithm changes to new features, and new platforms are even coming to the fore. (TikTok, anyone?)
It can be tempting in marketing to have a catch-all approach – signing up to as many channels as possible and seeing what makes a difference. But that takes time, and invariably, your product or service won’t have an audience on every platform.
So, which social media platform is best for you? Take it from our digital marketers right here in Chorley.
Dubbed the world’s ‘largest professional network’, LinkedIn has 722 million members across 200 countries. It’s an effective networking tool for those in B2B industries, helping to share organic content to potentially millions of viewers at little cost.
There are, in theory, limitless opportunities to connect with individuals who could become your customers (subject to some restrictions with the paid premium option). Content could have a much wider reach, as people don’t need to be your ‘connection’ to engage, but by engaging, they share your content further.
As with any social media platform, its users can be a let-down. There can be a lot of ‘spamming’ from salespersons who target you as soon as you connect, and you need to build a network to get real traction. But with time and consistency, it’s a great way to showcase the ‘professional’ side of things.
You can build up a network quickly by following others and commenting on posts, or joining in with hashtags. There are many Twitter communities and chats, helping you to segment your audience.
Business pages have great functionality – a chance to make a location listing, add reviews, comment on posts and promote your services. Facebook also has an ecommerce function now if you’re selling goods directly.
Ongoing privacy concerns have turned some users away from Facebook, with younger demographics favouring new platforms. It’s worthwhile for targeting older users, but this may take some refinement depending on your product.
There are multiple features like Stories, Reels, Posts and Live functions, giving you a chance to diversify your content. You can increase your reach with hashtags and encourage interactivity on your stories, promoting engagement.
As It’s owned by Facebook, there are privacy concerns once again, while some say that Instagram promotes unhealthy messages. You’ll need to follow similar accounts and be authentic, rather than putting out constant filtered content.
The platform is becoming dominated by influencers, so it can be hard to build traction straight away. Stick at it, and keep your content consistent to get the best results.
Speak to our social media experts in Chorley
Like all digital marketing, you should expect some trial and error with social media. Contact Tall Zebra Designs for help getting your social media strategy off the ground today.
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