Why a Calgary Digital Marketing Agency Is Your Best Bet for Local Support

From coordinating the supply chain to keeping projects within budget and keeping up with payroll, your plate is full. Keeping your Calgary business thriving takes constant attention, and it’s easy to let some aspects of marketing fall through the cracks. Hiring a dedicated marketing agency gives you access to the best marketing expertise without the need to hire on yet more full-time staff. That’s great; but which marketing agency should you choose? A local Calgary digital marketing agency, or one of the national or even international marketing services?

The big national companies that have a lot of money make a lot of claims, but in the end, a local agency is your best bet for local support.

Why a Calgary Digital Marketing Agency Is Your Best Bet

You’re Always Talking to Someone Qualified

When a big marketing agency spread across multiple time zones offers “24/7” support, you have reason to be suspicious. In many cases, what they mean by this is that they’ve hired people across the country, and sometimes on the other side of the world, to be available on chat or by phone during working hours in their own time zone. Then, no matter who calls them or from where, there’s someone to answer the phone. But are the people on the phone actually experts with detailed knowledge of your account?

If you happen to call during normal business hours at the main office, there will be someone to talk to, but otherwise, you might be talking to someone who can’t actually give you any personalized help. They can make a note of your issue and make sure someone gets back to you, but in the end, you might be paying extra for a service that doesn’t really exist. In contrast, a local Calgary digital marketing agency keeps the same hours you do, and in the same time zone, and when you call there’s always someone on the other line who knows all about your situation.

A big national marketing agency, even if you reach them immediately, may not be able to send someone over right away to discuss your needs or help you change up your strategy. It could take a few days, particularly if you’re a small or medium-sized business. A national agency is going to prioritize their time and effort by who has the biggest account and which clients are in the markets they get the most out of.

Your local marketing agency is committing to thriving in the same community that you work in. That means providing great service to businesses like yours in Calgary. There’s never any reason for them to hesitate to meet and every reason to help you tweak your strategy until you’re perfectly happy with it.

You’ll Work With People in the Know

Every region moves to its own rhythm. There are particular times of the year and certain holidays that are more important to business than another and city-specific events that provide unique challenges or opportunities. A big national marketing agency doesn’t have its finger on the pulse of where you operate.

Your local Calgary digital marketing agency, on the other hand, knows what’s going on where you live. They know when a certain time of year will be more crucial to your business or when a special event is planned. They can help you quickly change up your marketing tactics to maximize opportunities and know when they shouldn’t distract you because you need to focus your attention.

Get the Best in Local Marketing Support

Our local Calgary marketing agency is adaptable and ready to help you thrive in the community we all share. For access to the best in marketing expertise and local support you can count on, contact the Digital Marketing Collective today.

The post Why a Calgary Digital Marketing Agency Is Your Best Bet for Local Support appeared first on Digital Marketing Calgary.