Why All Great Digital Marketing Starts With the Right Keywords

You can plan for months, write the best copy and create incredible graphics. But if you aren’t using the right keywords, your digital marketing plan isn’t going to pay off. Keywords are vital to a healthy digital marketing plan during planning and execution. To successfully use keywords in your digital marketing, you’ll need to know what keywords are, why they matter, and how to put them to good use.

A Quick Guide to Using Keywords in Your Digital Marketing

What Are Keywords?

Keywords are the terms someone might put in a search engine to find your website or one like it. For instance, if you sell shoes, someone might type in “great shoes online” and find your store. If you are a plumber, they might type in “plumbers near me.” You can start to identify good keywords to use in your marketing by thinking like your customers. What would they type into a search engine to find your website or a website like yours? Write down all the words and terms they might use. That can give you a solid base to start your keyword research.

How Do I Find the Right Keywords?

There are a number of digital marketing tools that can help you find potential keywords. Unfortunately, there are probably thousands of potential keywords that could help drive traffic to your website. You won’t be able to use all of them in your marketing (and trying to do so could actually hurt your rankings). This is where people often find the help of a digital marketing expert to be especially useful. They can help you pinpoint the right keywords and strategize about how best to use them.

Why Do Keywords Matter?

When you know how someone might find your site or one like yours, you can make efforts to capture more of that audience. When you use those keywords on your site, there is a better chance that the search engine will return your site higher in the results list. Being higher in the results means you’ll gain more site traffic and ultimately, more business. Keywords can focus your efforts and help you solidify a marketing plan for your business. After all, there are so many ways to market your business online. Knowing how to do it and where to do it make your marketing dollars more effective, and keywords are vital to that effort.

How Do You Use Keywords?

Not Sure How to Get Started With Keywords?

Choosing the right keywords is vital to the success of marketing your business online. If you want help ensuring you are targeting the strongest possible keywords, get in touch with our team. Allison’s Alligators are here to help you create and execute a powerful marketing strategy for your business. Learn how we can help your business succeed online!