Blogging is often put aside by businesses. With what seems to be much more pressing digital marketing platforms to take care of, blogging is viewed as a time-consuming commitment that requires an innovative creative output and therefore lacks the desire to fulfill. Websites are the heart of many businesses, so it makes sense that blogs allow businesses to gain 67% more leads than those who don’t utilize them and should be apart of any companies digital marketing strategy.
Able to Target Specific Keywords
It is normalized that with blogging comes consistency. Each published blog is a new opportunity for your company’s website to contain more keywords. When using Search Engine Optimization, we want to ensure that all of our important keywords are found within our website. However, our actual website cannot be crowded with an oversupply of keywords, or Google will rank your website lower. Blogs provide the solution to this new era of authentic content with minimal keywords.
Blogs are where your words go. There will always be new keywords – 15% of searches made on Google every day are new. There is always new questions to answer, information to provide and keywords to acquire. Blogging is the hub for all of this. Write content that answers a question and provide content that you know readers will want to see. Once you base your blogs around quality information you can include these keywords, increasing your potential to become an authority site.
Google loves content. Its algorithm heavily focuses on a website’s content and how frequently posts and updates are made to it. What clients want when searching for websites align comparatively to how Google’s algorithm now works. Keeping Google happy will keep your clients happy.
Both users and search engines are looking for a website with fresh content. You do not always need to update your service or product, but keeping clients in the loop about industry events, developments, news and tips is a perfect way to regulate content flow. The more updated your website content with valuable information in blogs is, Google will rank your site higher with each of its updates.
Raises Your Link Authority
Links are the currency of the internet. Writing about quality, need-to-know and insightful information increase your chances of receiving links to your blog and raising brand awareness. Additionally, blogs are a great way to input relevant inbound links that will direct readers to the main parts of your website. Increasing the length of time that potential customers spend on your site can allow readers to become loyal customers. Within your blogs, attach one or two external links to quality and trustworthy websites. These links should be relative or expand on the information within your blog. When you promote great content to your readers, Google promotes you.
Positions You as a Trusted Thought Leader
Businesses need to take any avenue open to them to prove to their current customers why they deserve their loyalty and show potential customers why their business is worthwhile. Consistently posting articles that show your knowledge and how well you understand your customers displays your company as a thought leader. Many customers will only choose business with companies they trust and feel are accredited. You want readers to view you as the place to go for information. The more you prove to readers through your blogs how reliable you are, you will earn their trust. When the time comes, this trust will turn into a return on investment when your product or service is chosen against other competition.