The field of digital marketing is fast-moving and there is always something new to learn, so it’s a great field to get into if you love to develop new skills. If you are creative, always ready to take on a new challenge, like to analyse numbers, and like to work alone and as part of a team, you may be the perfect candidate for a career in digital marketing.
Digital marketing really is an umbrella term; it has so many arms and different fields within it that you’re bound to find a topic you love to work on and talk about. Some of these are:
- Social Media Marketing
- Email Marketing
- Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
- Marketing Automation
- Search Engine Marketing (such as pay-per-click)
- Content Marketing (blogs, YouTube, Podcasts, and more)
- Copywriting
- Mobile Marketing
- Digital Advertising/li>
As you can see, digital marketing encompasses a wide range of activities that appeal to all kinds of skillsets. All of these are skills you can learn in your own time – you don’t have to go back and find the time and money to do a three-year degree.
What are the top digital marketing careers?
Great digital marketers are always in demand, and those who specialise in a field are able to demand better salaries at top companies. Some of these top positions are:
- SEO Specialist – Search engine optimisation is incredibly important, without it, websites cannot be found and that means there are no leads, and no customers. SEO specialists help businesses establish their online presence and make sure they show on the first page of Google for their ideal keywords and phrases. The average salary for an SEO specialist is £36,447.
- Digital Project Manager – this is a role for a mid-level marketer looking to take the next step, specialise, and take on a project management role. Digital Project Managers are tasked with overseeing all digital processes, projects, and managing client communication. The average salary for a DPM is £33,294.
- UX Designer – UX stands for user experience, and UX designers help oversee and design the experience users have on websites and other online products and services. If the user experience isn’t worth coming back again for, users won’t stick around. The average salary for a UX designer is £31,259.
How to kickstart a career in digital marketing?
Digital marketing one of the most fun, exciting, and fast-moving industries you can be a part of. When you choose to work in digital marketing, you can choose to work within any industry, you don’t have to choose to work directly for a marketing agency. You can work in any sector you are passionate about, and there are always opportunities for growth.
To kickstart your career in digital marketing:
- Read, read, read – there is a wealth of information out there on all aspects of digital marketing, so start on Google and follow what intrigues you. Be aware that trends move fast, so if a piece of content or a book is over five years old, and hasn’t been updated, it may not offer you the most current information.
- Network – start making connections with those already in digital marketing positions. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people you know, or politely to people you don’t, and let them know you want to get a position like theirs. Don’t ask them to find you a job – instead, ask them about their job and if they could take the time to give you some advice about how to get started.
Digital marketing is a fantastic field to get into, and there’s nothing stopping you from learning the basics to see if it seems like a good fit for you. If you’re ready to get started you can .
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