Why Digital Marketing is a Great Lead Generation Tool

From the long list of reasons why Digital Marketing is a great lead generation tool, I’ve picked my top 5. As a passionate Digital Marketer I’m always interested to hear how Digital Marketing has impacted your business – please do comment on this post.

Let’s quickly look at the facts; almost 3 billion people (40% of the world’s population) are using the internet. Also, companies using Digital Marketing Strategies have 2.8 times better revenue growth expectancy than those who do not (IPSOS 2013). You’d be crazy not to right?

The bottom line is, the digital age is here, and those businesses that fail to adapt to the new marketing climate are at great risk of becoming extinct, sooner rather than later. Take a look at this cool infographic: ‘12 Reasons why Digital Marketing can Help You Grow Your Business’ or read on to hear about my top 5 reasons why Digital Marketing can be  a great lead generation tool for your business.

Digital Marketing really does generate a good Return on Investment (ROI) (when carried out effectively). Not convinced? Take a look at this blog: ‘11 studies that prove the ROI of Digital Marketing’. They include a range of interesting studies on big companies such as Cadbury and Kellogg.

Let’s think about this logically. The internet is one of the most powerful communication tools known to man. It is an online networking hub where 3 billion people hang out. On average in the UK, these people hang out there for 4 hours a day (GlobalWebIndex 2014).

Digital Marketing puts businesses in front of this audience. It allows companies to use the power of this huge networking hub hang out to reach out to their customers.

So, we’ve established Digital Marketing is effective, but do you really have the time to use it? The answer is yes! You seriously do, it’s not as time consuming as you think to generate leads. Let me explain, Digital Marketing Tools are your friend (with almost all of them having free versions). If you know the right Digital Marketing tools to use and have a structured strategy to use them effectively, you’re on to a winner.

There are so many useful tools out there, the trick is selecting the right ones. Well, look no further, I’ve created a list of great (and free) Digital Marketing tools for you to check out below;

50 Awesome Free Digital Marketing Tools

As I’ve demonstrated above, Digital Marketing can be free! There are loads of free Digital Marketing channels and tools available which can be highly effective. Obviously, as your Digital Marketing activities become more effective, there are plenty of pay for options to give you a boost, but still cheaper than most traditional marketing channels.

Unlike traditional marketing, Digital Marketing’s effectiveness can be quickly and easily measured. Clever online analytics tools can give you an instant snapshot of Digital Marketing performance against specific Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s). From this, businesses can continuously improve their Digital Marketing strategy to work in line with what works most effectively. I’ve listed some great analytics tools to use here;


A decade ago, websites were ‘the big thing’ all businesses had to have. If you weren’t online, you had a high chance of getting eaten up by your internet-savvy competitors. Now, everyone is online and a high percentage of businesses have a website. So, what is ‘the next big thing’ businesses need to be doing to rise to the top of the food chain? It’s simple – Digital Marketing.

Digital Marketing allows businesses to exploit their website, helping drive lead generation and sales. In addition, Digital Marketing provides a number of qualitative benefits;

1.Raises your business profile and brand awareness.

2.Drives engagement with a targeted audience.

3.Builds customer relationships, trust and credibility.

4.Provides valuable customer insight.

What are you going to do to develop and implement an effective Digital Marketing strategy for your business?