Everyone needs insurance, now how will they know what you offer them as an insurance broker? Your current and prospective customers have homes, cars, trucks, campers, businesses and travel plans and they all need to connect with an insurance agent. How will you find them to share your best advice and rates? How will the people who need to know about you most find you online as they search in a sea of similar insurance agencies?
How digital marketing and smart search engine optimization services helps you
- Stand out from competition
- Be heard in a noisy marketplace
- Choose to be on platforms that offer optimal effectiveness for this marketing match
It’s hard to be everywhere there is need and to know who to spend time with when offering your services for sale.
Search engine optimization (SEO) helps you ‘be present’ when time crunched customers come looking for you through digital marketing strategies:
- It can help you be in the right places at the right time for the right customer who is already looking for you!
- It can help you know that you are on the correct platforms like which social media your market ‘hangs out on.’
- It can tell you how visitors interact with your primary home online – your website.
Knowing when and where to reach out to your customers is one important value SEO brings. It does so with good set up and then evaluation. The testing - or the tools a digital marketer uses for measurement, data and analysis that they can report to you with, is key to your presence.
All this helps bring you and your market closer together, and in a time and place convenient for your customer. From online search and getting to know you, to your office to close a sale.
If you’d like some help accelerating your ‘discoverability’ to your current and prospective clients online, call Juuga Marketing to get started. We are here to help your marketing meet technology.
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