Why It’s Important to Start a Blog on Your Website | KWSM: a digital marketing agency

Blogging is everywhere, but how do you know if it’s right for you and your business? Blogs are used as content across all social media channels by nearly every industry. After all, content is king, and it’s awesome to have a source to use for breaking content into segments.

Content is used in every marketing activity from brochures to social media. By having the ability to break the content up into segments, you can save a lot of time trying to come up with more content for those mediums. Snippets could be used on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Snippets are little pieces of information taken from the main source of content. Also, including the link from the blog to each social post will drive traffic back to your website to drive leads and sales.

Successful bloggers have made their stamp in the business arena and have garnered many followers by becoming thought leaders in their respective fields. They became thought leaders and established credibility and authority as a thought leader thanks to their blogs and social presence. From health and beauty to the professional service industry, a blog is good for any business, even yours.

Let’s talk about why it’s important. Every company strives for a website with a high SEO rank, which can benefit from a regularly posted blog rich with keywords. SEO is the process of increasing the quality and quantity of website traffic by increasing the visibility of a website or a web page to users of a web search engine. You have a 434% higher chance of being ranked highly on search engines if you feature a blog as part of your website. Here’s a tip, consider surrounding your blog content on what topics and words rank higher on the search engine you’re most interested in ranking favorably. In Google, there are words and phrases that are proven to be searched more within their search engine. It’s important to incorporate those words and phrases in your blog. If your goal is to drive traffic back to your website, make sure blogs are included in your marketing strategy.

Blogs are a fantastic outlet to establish confidence and trust with most consumers. Your customers want to know whomever they decide to do business is credible and informed. Most responsible consumers research a product or service prior to purchasing anything. As a business owner, it’s important to provide positive and thought-provoking information to encourage your customers to buy your products or services.

Blogging doesn’t have to be hard. Start by writing about your company’s products and services and then follow-up by writing on industry-specific hot topics. Blogging once or twice a month is a good cadence until you find your own rhythm. Promote your blogs across all social channels and engage with other influencers in your industry. It’s good to also post on your personal page for increased visibility and views. Remember to incorporate SEO friendly keywords into your title and blog. Blogging is a low-cost, high-return investment. Begin blogging today, and start seeing ROI almost instantly!