Consumers have the power to build or ruin your brand. A great marketer’s ultimate objective is to have high brand recognition, positive customer reviews, and repeat consumers. If you don’t make an effort to get to know your clients, your digital marketing initiatives will be as flat as a glass of week-old Coca-Cola from a kids’ party! If you do not reach out to customers with individualised messaging and bespoke experiences, your brand credibility and audience will suffer.
When it comes to attracting a new client base or increasing your existing conversions, it is obvious that quality content is imperative. When done correctly, content marketing is an effective and cost-effective strategy to reach the desired audience with the information they require. The one-size-fits-all advertising strategy of yesteryear will no longer suffice — and while this may seem apparent, as marketers, we might all use a gentle reminder from time to time.
Content marketing evolves in new and fascinating ways in 2023, building on the content and SEO trends of 2022. It’s not just about the formats you should use to engage your audience, such as long and short-form content, or the emergence of TikTok as an effective marketing platform, but also about marketers using AI to increase productivity and combat the dreaded writer’s block.
While developing content marketing strategies or campaigns to promote your company, it’s easy to get carried away with the creative components and lose sight of the unique requirements, desires, and preferences. But, consumers are the lifeblood of your company, and getting under their skin is the only way to engage, inspire, and connect in a meaningful and important way. Most customers expect businesses to understand their specific requirements and expectations. They typically say that good customer service is the most crucial factor in determining what to buy.
Blurn is a digital marketing company that has been in the industry for nearly two decades, and they have been through the dips and peaks of market trends, so they know what works and what doesn’t. Customer engagement and experience are imperative to increase conversions, improve brand loyalty and overall satisfaction with the brand or product, and knows just what to do to ensure that you appeal to your consumer base. Here are some techniques to follow that are guaranteed to ensure that you get under the skin of your consumers, in the best possible way, and utilise the insights that you receive to drive campaign performance and improve your digital marketing strategy.
Get analytical
We are drowning in data in the digital era. Consumer data and insights are gold dust for companies trying to gain a deep and meaningful understanding of their client base. Are you, however, making the most of your data?
While Google Analytics is important for gaining value from your various demographic information. It allows you to dive down into additional data sources across touchpoints and provides you with a comprehensive view of your consumers’ habits, interests, and actions. You’ll be able to construct profiles or personas that improve your marketing communications and help you analyse social media ROI by combining social media analytics tools and mobile data platforms to acquire a slew of in-depth insights across your major consumer touchpoints.
Encourage Dialogue
Starting a dialogue with your consumers is one of the most straightforward and effective methods to get to know them. By meeting your customers where they are, you will be able to discover how they engage with their peers while asking them pertinent questions in an organic rather than invasive manner. And, if you ask the right questions, you’ll receive the perfect answers—the type that will greatly improve your brand experience. From surveys and polls to social listening, there are several methods to communicate with your consumers and get to know them where they are most comfortable. Nevertheless, user-generated content is one of the most potent methods to initiate meaningful consumer dialogues and speak your consumers’ language (UGC).
User-generated content increases credibility and trust while providing a better understanding of your consumers’ ideas. Nonetheless, it is worth your time and commitment, especially if you want to appeal to the Gen Z audience. This is also related to influencer marketing, which is a terrific approach to reaching out to new and engaged groups. According to eMarketer research, the influencer marketing economy is larger than ever, with almost three-quarters of marketers expected to utilise influencer marketing in 2023, rising to nearly 90 per cent in 2026.
Utilise Immersive Video Technology
For years, video has been the primary content type for marketers seeking to achieve momentum across social media. According to the 2023 Content Benchmarks Study, more than half of marketers believe video is the most useful content format, with 25% believing live video is beneficial in meeting social media goals. As a result, all social networks, including those that were previously text-based, such as LinkedIn, value video content and their algorithms. Because 2022 was the year of exciting full-screen immersive mobile-first video, you must think vertically if you want to create a video in 2023. This will lead to brand experimentation as they lean into this trend and experiment with this format organically and through paid advertising.
Be Responsive
It is always beneficial to reply to both good and negative testimonials in a productive and timely manner. You should stay committed to giving personal answers to public consumer evaluations. This will humanise your brand, demonstrate your dedication to the consumer experience, and give you further conversational insights. According to Oberlo, 9 out of 10 shoppers examine reviews when deciding on a local business, and 59% utilise Google to search and read reviews. Hence, because reviews are an important trust indicator, giving consistent replies is critical—and doing so will provide you with a plethora of new consumer knowledge.
Hence, for better or worse, take the time to respond to clients with a simple “thank you for your comments” or by giving a solution to their problem.
Start Loyalty Schemes
In terms of generating trust and long-term connections, developing a customer loyalty programme will not only increase consumer retention rates but will also open up a continuous channel of communication between your company and your audience. According to the 2022 Loyalty Barometer Study, 79 per cent of consumers are more likely to conduct business with a company due to its loyalty programme. This sort of programme now not only keeps clients up to date on changes or news but also allows them to take advantage of early deals and special offers.
Amazon Prime, Starbucks Rewards, and Sephora Beauty Insider have all achieved significant success through their creative loyalty programmes, amassing a lot of valuable customer insights and data in the process.
Content comes in various formats, and it can be tough to determine which ones are appropriate for your organisation. Blurn can assist you with developing personas and a successful SEO approach, as well as determining how to be creative and present an engaging tale. You will also learn about the various digital platforms for content distribution and how to assess success. There are several methods for attracting and engaging existing and new clients. It’s all about understanding the right methods and channels to use. Blurn is a digital marketing firm that assures you grasp the principles of digital marketing, as well as content, email, social media, SEO, and PPC so that you can implement a strong digital marketing plan together. You can click here to offers for your business’s best practices.
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