Why you need Google Data Studio as part of your digital marketing strategy

This makes data reporting and analysis a whole lot easier, since all the data is in one place. Whatever the source (Google Ads, Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Sheets etc.), users can access data within a single dashboard. If you’re a marketing professional using multiple platforms, and pulling weekly reports from each, Google Data Studio will save you a lot of time.

Like any great tool, Google Data Studio has lots of other benefits. Here’s just a few…

Pretty reports 💁‍♀️

Who doesn’t love a pretty data report?! Most content marketers certainly do. Think bright colours, lots of graphs and a wide range of designs. In Google Data Studio, there are plenty of pre-designed report templates to choose from. Or if you’re feeling artistic, you can create your own.

Time-saving automation

Let’s face it, manual data reporting is boring. It takes time and, if you’re providing regular reports for clients, will eat up a chunk of your week. With Google Data Studio, reporting can be automated, which essentially means less time generating reports and more time analysing them.

Sharing is caring

Looking at a data report and have no idea what any of it means? No problem! Google Data Studio makes report sharing and collaboration easy. Choose between viewer or editor access permissions and ask a colleague to help you out.

Choice of export

When it comes to data reporting, we all have a preference. And so do our clients. Prefer data in a graph? Or an Excel sheet? Want to view it all in one PDF? Google Data Studio lets you export reports in a range of formats, allowing you to cater for every client.

Interactive dashboard

Analytics reports from marketing agencies will typically be static PDFs. These are fine for a few metrics, but when your client wants to build a bigger picture, static data isn’t of much use. Google Data Studio reports are interactive, allowing the user to set parameters for metrics and drill down into the data that matters.

Filter away

Faced with a tranche of data and don’t know where to start? Google Data Studio’s advanced filters makes data reporting and analysis easy. Narrow down by location, account, or campaign and focus on the data which best tells your story.

Free, Free, FREE!

Yes, it was music to our ears too. A tool that is both useful and FREE. Say no more.

Mix it up

Not only can you access data from the different apps (and there’s a LOT of them); you can mix it all together into one big data cake. A sprinkle of Google Ads, a dash of Analytics, and poof – you have the full picture. This is particularly useful when building more comprehensive data profiles for clients and creating data-led campaigns.

More than an analytics tool

For the content marketers at Fifty Five and Five, Google Data Studio is more than an analytics tool. It’s an umbrella platform for the Google stack of apps, allowing us to aggregate data easily and tell a data-driven story. We use Google Data Studio for a number of reasons: to create data reports automatically, to collaborate better within our teams, to narrow down data fields and uncover trends.

Mainly, it allows us to take a deep dive. To not only report on data (and believe us, many agencies will do just this) but to understand it. And to pass that information onto our clients.

How do we use Google Data Studio at Fifty Five and Five?

At Fifty Five and Five, we mostly use Google Data Studio for our clients. The Performance Marketing team (Martina, Charlotte, James, Demi, and Maria) spend four hours a month per client, pulling off analytics data and interpreting it.

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