why you’re not making sales online
I was reminded again yesterday of the late great David Ogilvy and what he had to say about the limitations of marketing.
One of our clients took us on to do PPC for him in the male supplements niche.
This is a killer niche as men spend big to look good and remain youthful so we were excited to be involved.
We set up his PPC account for him and turned on the traffic after 1 week we’d sent over 2500 qualified prospects to his site.
Not 1 sale.
He was kinda pissed at us because he’d spent money for no return….and I felt for him but as I explained we can send a ton of traffic to a website but if the website is not designed to sell it will be for nothing.
Bear in mind we’d already had this discussion about his site not looking good (from a conversion point of view) and we’d given him a strategic plan to alter his site to make sales, he’d insisted we stick to his site though and wanted us to send traffic to it as it was.
(if you’re considering taking us on to help your business we always provide feedback on the whole sales process that you can take on board or ignore as you see fit)
Here’s the thing we are brilliant at getting a ton of prospects to peoples websites but if either:
– You are selling a product that no one wants, or
– Your website was designed to look pretty instead of sell, or
– Your positioning of your product is still what everyone else was doing 5 years ago
Then no matter how much great traffic you get to your site you’l make no sales.
The sales process for a product has to be a great product, that solves a pressing problem, being sold in the right way to the right people.
It’s not rocket science.
So if you’re not making sales online and you’re getting traffic to your website then it’s time to look at your website and/or product.
In the upcoming posts I’ll be going through website design showing you good and bad design and how you can build your website so it converts all the traffic you send to it.