Alan asks, “I need some help making my resume stick out. What would appeal to you if you were hiring for a digital marketing position? I have the experience and gaining new certifications, but I’m truly trying to shine through this unemployment situation.”
A resume that sticks out in a positive way has to first pass the gatekeeper test, then answer three things in a hiring manager’s mind subconsciously.
The gatekeeper test is beating algorithms in hiring software while remaining honest. Think of it like old school SEO (mainly because hiring software lacks the serious AI that powers modern search engines today). Lots of keywords appropriately used, etc.
The hiring manager cares about three things:
Your resume has to answer these questions to some degree.
Tactical things:
LinkedIn needs recommendations and endorsements. The power of the crowd is real.
Videos on YouTube talking about specific examples from your resume are a powerful way to pre interview – and especially without the nerves.
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Veeam in today’s episode, Allen asks, I need some help making my resume stick out what would appeal to you if you’re hiring for digital marketing position? I have the experience and gaining new certifications but I’m truly trying to shine this unemployment situation.
Well, this is obviously going to be a recurring topic for a little while.
I should probably first say that I’ve been a technical recruiters have been on the hiring manager side and the recruiting side and your resume is one part of the piece of the puzzle.
Right It is the entryway it is the opening round I guess.
More important these days is a solid LinkedIn profile to go with the resume.
Because that LinkedIn profile gives people the chance to dig in a little bit more and get to know you more on a professional level.
obvious things all the basics of LinkedIn like Having recommendations and endorsements having complete coherent work histories, all those things I assume that you’re doing.
There’s two things you have to do and your resume and your LinkedIn profile have to do these two things.
One, you have to beat the gatekeeper test.
And two, you have to answer three questions that are in a hiring managers mind.
So let’s talk about these number one, the gatekeeper test.
Most hiring management system hrms are fairly primitive systems that take in data resumes, whatever they scan them.
So make sure use a font that’s easily legible, if you will and make sure you provided a digital copy.
And they scan for keywords, right it is resumes and dealing with these hrs systems or hrms systems is a lot like old school SEO for like a decade ago.
We do keyword stuffing and prominent mentions of things.
They don’t use a lot of the modern day AI that that makes modern SEO work.
So you have to beat those algorithms while remaining honest, right? You don’t want to be the person who stuffs their resume full of useless keywords and then it’s unreadable, it still has to be legible to a human understandable to human.
So, that’s step one, make sure that your resume is is information rich, with the appropriate keywords for the position that you’re going for making sure that you don’t have to list every single skill you have.
But take advantage of things like work histories if you have five jobs that you’ve held in the past but three of them are have strong relevance what you want to be doing now, go into a little detail the descriptions, making sure again, you’re checking the box on if he did Facebook ads, make sure Facebook ads appears on there.
If the job position itself has specific skills that it you want to see make sure that those skills are on your resume if as long as it’s honest, as long as you’re being honest about it.
Second, after you get past the gatekeeper test, which is true for most larger organizations, small organizations won’t have hrms systems, they will have someone in HR reading the resumes.
So another reason why it has to be legible and understandable.
the hiring manager cares about three things.
They have three questions they need you to answer in their resume in your resume in your telephone screen in your I was going to say in person interview, but we’re not doing a whole lot of that right now.
And your video interview.
And the hiring manager may not say these questions outright, but they’re thinking them and they may not even be thinking in them or they may be thinking of them in more polite terms.
But the three questions are, number one, are you going to make my life more difficult? Right, so there’s that that’s sort of a chemistry test which is especially important for the interview.
Are you going to make life more difficult for this person is hiring you a better option than not hiring at all companies in the next year to two years will be very, very risk averse.
They want someone to they want to hire somebody who will just fit exactly the role like a little Lego block.
No training, no effort.
Just plug the piece into the machine and the machine runs.
That’s what they’re looking for.
a manager is looking to not invest heavily in you.
Not spend a lot of time training you not worried about are you going to slow things down? Yes.
There’ll be some grace period for getting up to speed but not much.
If you remember back for those of you who are old enough that the Great Recession no companies wanted to hire perfect fits they were not interested in how Hiring anybody they had to train.
So make sure that you are spending your time getting trained up on the things that a job would require.
Question two, will you get the manager fired? Right? The managers thinking, am I gonna get fired for hiring this person? I think gonna make me look bad.
But am I gonna regret hiring this person? And it’s different than someone who just takes up your time.
This is someone who’s actively going to be a problem.
When you’re hiring, when you’re when you’re looking at resumes, you’re trying to assess is this person going to make my life worse? Are they going to do they do they show the ability to get work done? And so that’s where things like skills and stuff become very important.
coherent work histories, kind of the worst thing you can put on a resume is, you know, chief data scientist at TrustInsights.ai AI, you know, worked as a chief data scientist at the organization supporting business lines.
That tells me nothing this question Am I going to regret hiring is a risk mitigation question.
Am I taking a risk on you? The work history had better be able to say Nope, I am not a risk at all.
I’m going to not be the nail that sticks up.
I am a good fit for your organization.
And the last question again, managers are not gonna say this outright.
A few weeks they’re really honest.
But they’re thinking it if I hire you, are you gonna make me look good? Right? Are you gonna make me shine and gonna keep me from getting fired? Are you going to make me get my bonus? Right That’s what the manager is thinking motivated by.
Will you make them look good.
And that’s where in your work history, you need to have a lot of detail about results you got increased revenue 42% increase ad spend, or ad results by 16% year over year.
Drove ROI 41% in your work histories of There aren’t numbers that showcase your results, you need to go back and sharpen your pencil, even if they were collaborative results.
That’s fine.
Be honest about that.
Even if you worked in an organization where you couldn’t necessarily quantify everything, being able to quantify what you did is incredibly important in a work history, whether it’s on your LinkedIn profile, whether it is on your resume, you know, if you say, increased lead generation five x in nine months, guess what, I want to talk to you because you’re going to make me look good.
I’m gonna hit my numbers because of the work that you did.
And that’s what a manager cares about, the hiring manager really cares about.
So you gotta be able to answer those three things in the resume and the phone screen and the video interview or in person eventually.
Some things you may want to think about, again, LinkedIn, your profile needs, recommendations and endorsements when I was hiring, even a decade ago, if you had no recommendations, I didn’t even bother going further because if you can’t market yourself, you’re not going to market my company right? And marketing yourself means getting those testimonials.
Nobody wants to call references.
It’s expensive.
It’s a pain in the butt.
If I see that other people are recommending you on your LinkedIn profile, especially current or previous employers, that’s solid.
I don’t need any more because you’ve put that out in public.
videos on YouTube.
Talking about specific examples from your resume are a powerful way to pre interview right give somebody a link.
You know, learn more.
At a YouTube click on your resume.
If I’m a hiring manager, I can go and watch that video of you talking about and you will benefit because you don’t have the nerves of an in person interview.
You can talk more calmly about these things.
best possible thing if you can get video testimonials from previous employers, that’s golden.
We could spend a lot more time on this but those are some of the things that you need to get started with your follow up questions leave them in the comments box below.
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