10 Major Components of a Digital Marketing Strategy for eCommerce – Vrootok

10 Major Components of a Digital Marketing Strategy for eCommerce

Living in the digital era opens new doors to the eCommerce businesses that welcome new opportunities. But on the downside, it means increased competition. This fact points to the many challenges that eCommerce businesses are facing.

This imposes the question: What is the best digital marketing strategy for eCommerce?
Having in mind that, this subject covers many points, but here we will cover the best eCommerce marketing strategies that will help you to put your business on a higher level.

1. Defining Your Sales Cycle

The first step is to know how long it takes your customer to convert and to complete your sales cycle. Define all the stages that you have to complete, so you can know which platforms you should advertise on.

Once you have your sales cycle defined, you can move on with further strategies. Since every stage of the buyer’s journey requires a different approach, this is very important.

2. Personalize Your Content

Who doesn’t want to feel special?!
In order to identify with your brand, you have to give an emotional value to your customers. It is important to know your customer’s preferences. This way you will be aware of which stage of the journey are they, so you can drive them through it. It will let you know which of the different marketing strategies to use in each moment.

Personalization can come in many ways. You can:

Personalization is the key to building a relationship with existing and potential customers. Be wise and use it!

3. Embrace the Benefits of Content Marketing

You should give customers and search engines helpful descriptions of the products. In this way, you will offer your customers a clear perception of your products. By optimizing and by using the right keywords you will boost your search ranks on the search engines.

It is a great practice to use product-related videos. That will help your audience understand the way of using the product. Videos tend to provide higher confidence. This can expose the product quality, and by using it you are more likely to receive more purchases.

4. Level up Your Game With Search Engine Marketing

You may be asking yourself what are the rest of the major components of a marketing strategy. Search Engine Marketing is one of them for sure.

Having a great SEO strategy that will rank your page higher for organic searches is very important. But also, it is necessary to use Pay-per-Click campaigns. By using PPC campaigns you only pay when a user clicks on the ad.

This is one of the best performing marketing strategies for eCommerce. The reason is that the targeted audience is ready-to-buy people.

You can use many platforms to promote your online shop. Using Google AdWords will put your potential customer in front of your product. And the most probable action he would make is a purchase.

5. Optimize Your Product Pages and Include Visuals

People are visual creatures and you want to use high-quality images on your product pages. Using great visualization helps your audience to get to know the product in detail. It also let them know what to expect once they purchase it.

Of extreme importance for product page optimization is to align your topic to the content on the page. Make sure that you are using all the relevant keywords in the copy. Keywords that include the name of the product and keywords that are product-driven are a must.

6. Make Buying Social

To increase brand awareness marketers use Social Media Channels. It is common sense that this type of marketing strategy is also used to engage customers. But what is not very common, is that Social Media can be used “out of the box”. Meaning that purchases can go social!

For example, you can use Facebook Advertising. You can create landing pages that will drive your audience to a specific product page. On that page, they can make instant purchase decisions. On Instagram, you can include additional tags in your post that will direct the user to a shopping cart.

Social Media Marketing offers effortless buying. That is why we consider it an excellent eCommerce digital marketing strategy. Level up your game and turn likes into sales!

7. Use Email for Personal Marketing

When talking about what are the promotional strategies in marketing, we have to mention Email Marketing. This is a great way to place your promotions and more important – to make them personal!

Email Marketing is a significant part of the eCommerce marketing strategy. The best thing is that allows you to make automation, which is a real time-saver. You can create different types of automation:

You can leverage a wish list that will help you build a segmented audience with different tastes. This way, you can send them emails based on their preferences.

Feel free to use your creativity and keep on track the communication with your customers.

8. Include Customer Reviews and Testimonials

What gives more credit than a satisfied customer?! Include Customer Reviews and Testimonials on your product pages. This became one of the best eCommerce website marketing strategies.

Sometimes a visitor is not sure about spending money on your product. Exactly these reviews may change his mind in your favor. Ratings and reviews on your product pages give visitors confidence in your brand. They also increase the likelihood of converting visitors into customers.

Testimonials are excellent confirmation of how great is your product. The most common testimonials you can have are about the products. But also, you can have about your eCommerce services and the customer support you give.

9. Make a Simple Checkout Process

This is one of those online marketing strategies for an eCommerce website that is often considered as non-important. And that is certainly not true at all.

People are sensitive when it comes to where they leverage their money. If they want to check out and the process on your webpage is confusing, probably they will never come back. Try to make this process as simple as possible. It is good to have a visual impact on how long the process will take. Also, the buttons that are easy to find.

It is very important to clearly show the shipping costs. When a potential customer passes all the stages of the buying cycle, he is ready to buy. If in the end, he finds out an extra cost, he will probably get frustrated and leave you with cart abandonment.

You don’t want to mess up things in the end, so you should be honest with your customers through the whole process.

10. Invest in а Mobile App

Nowadays developers are favoring the mobile-first approaches for webpages. But as an eCommerce business, it is better to have your own mobile application.

Having your own mobile application will improve the user experience. ECommerce mobile applications tend to load more quickly. They are made to match the needs of your business. You can use your application to push promotions and discounts through notifications. In this way, you will grab the attention of the user immediately.

Wrapping Up

eCommerce marketers have these and many other major components of digital marketing at their disposal. All helping them to navigate the ways to their goals. If you want to keep the sales going up, don’t let time step over you. Instead, grab everything modern technology offers you and stand up in the crowd!

Our experienced team is dedicated to growth by delivering successful solutions to our clients. We are more than ready to help you empower your business. Contact us now and guarantee your business excellent results!

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