14 Predictions for the Digital Marketing Industry That Will Come True by 2022 – Digital Information World

Digital marketing trends are changing every day and there is no way to keep track of them. For an influencer and social media marketer, it is very necessary to keep an eye on these trends because they are going to shape the upcoming days of the digital marketing industry. Moreover, digital marketing trends are one of the most searched about topics online, which means there are more marketers who are thinking about advancing their digital strategies and then aligning their content accordingly so they don’t have to stay ready for a drastic change. To make it easier for influencers and marketers here are 14 most important digital marketing prediction that is expected to come true by 2022.

Future Is Digital

By 2023 most of companies will pull out their budget from other traditional marketing sources. According to an estimation by 2022, 87% of the marketing budget of most companies will shift to total digital.

Voice Search

Voice search will increase heavily by 2023 which is one of the reasons most businesses are preparing for it already. Voice commerce sales have seen increased and they are predicted to reach whooping 40 billion dollars by the end of 2022 in the US alone.

Targeted Marketing

Targeted marketing has been trending for too long but it is expected that by 2023 people will look for hyper-targeting strategy. This is because users are tired of ads bombardment and they like ads that just cater to their needs, however, if they are bombarded with the same brand, they disregard the bombard completely.

Mobile Marketing

It is expected that as most people have switched from laptops and computers to mobile for browsing, things will soon completely shift to pone. Making app and websites that are good for mobile users will help with the business. Mobile spending is expected to increase up to 65 Billion dollars by the years 2023.

Content Marketing

It is predicted that content marketing will soon change into content selling. Currently, 93% of B2B business companies are running with the help of content marketing however, it is soon going to change. Soon companies will focus on content marketing and sell their product with the help of it, however, keeping an eye on the results will still remain vital.

Automation and AI

By the year 2023, the use of automation and AI will rapidly increase. This includes the fact that most companies will shift to AI and machines for helping their consumers and users to have a better experience.

Technology Provider

It is predicted that by the year 2023 most companies will look forward to finding a one-stop solution for their technical problems. Currently, an average company is using 91 different marketing cloud services, however, this is going to change soon.

Social Media

Social media is losing its credibility due to multiple scandals and continue jabs over the data and privacy of the users. It is expected that most users will soon shift to email and PR for inspiration.

Timely Marketing

Most of the users are tired of useless ads and they expect the ads to be shown to them according to their interests only. 38% of the companies are using the just-in-time marketing strategy and they have grown their revenue by 25%. It is expected that most of the companies will follow this lead and shift to just-in-time marketing strategy.

Blind Marketing

Marketing will no longer be blind, which means that people will rely on analytics and stats more. It is estimated that by the end of 2020 marketing analyst stand growth hackers jobs will increase significantly.


By 2023 companies will look for more personalized content and by 2020, 90% of the business companies will start to practice marketing personalization for better results.

Marketing Automation

In future marketing and sales might collaborate for better results, which means that these jobs will strongly intervene and in some companies, both departments might even merge. A survey conducted for this prediction explained that 29.5 of the marketers already feel like marketing and sales are going to benefit from the marketing automation.

Audience Transformation

By the year 2020, almost 40% of the consumers will belong to Generation Z, which means that companies have to cater a totally different and diverse audience. This is one of the reasons future is digital and bloggers, vloggers PR companies and marketing companies will see a rise.

Privacy and Data-Breach

As the audience changes most of the people in generation Z are more concerned about morals, data-beach, scandals and confidentiality clauses. This is the reason most consumers say they will only remain loyal to the brands that offer complete transparency.

Infographic courtesy of: Lianatech.

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