6 Changes for Digital Marketing Practices During the Pandemic

Since 2020 started, there have been many changes that have rapidly turned our lives upside-down thanks to COVID-19. Even digital marketing practices have evolved during this stage in our lives and there are still many new things that we need to learn. 

One big change that happened is that many people are stuck at home, meaning they are also forced to start working from home. 

Even though the stay-at-home order is starting to be lifted in many states and people are experiencing “the new normal,” we need to focus on how digital marketing has changed for the better after the pandemic. 

Keep reading for our guide on the six changes for digital marketing practices after COVID-19. 

1. Focus on Customer Service

One thing that you probably have already noticed is that shipping things during the coronavirus pandemic hasn’t been as quick and easy as it used to be. Unfortunately, your customers will probably take notice of this delay as well. 

The best way to handle this is to put a disclaimer on your website before they order something. Let them know that it could take a few extra days for the item to get to them. 

On the other hand, you should also focus on having excellent customer service, especially when it comes to the digital world. Many people will want to reach out to you via social media, which is a great place to connect with your customers. 

Try to handle any questions, comments, or concerns that you get from customers as soon as possible! Taking problems right to your direct messages is the best way to do it because then you can talk about any personal information from the customer. 

Make sure that you sympathize with your customers during this time, as everyone is having a rough time dealing with things. If you can handle any problems that arise quickly, then your customers will be sure to remember that once the pandemic is finally over with. 

2. Show That You Care

When it comes to social media marketing best practices, you need to show your followers that you care, especially during this time. As a business, you should make sure that you’re putting the customer first. 

The best way to do this is to sympathize with them during a tough time through digital marketing. For some customers, it might be difficult for them to work from home but still balance family life. 

Think of ways that your business can make them feel more normal during this time and show that you care. Is there a way that your product can improve their life even during this time? 

There are ways for you to still push sales during a pandemic but be considerate and conscious of the needs of your followers and customers. 

3. Create Uplifting Content

When looking for digital marketing techniques to follow, you can try creating uplifting content for your target audience to consume. During this time in our lives, we see enough sad and disturbing content on the news and social media that we need something to brighten our days.

The content for your company can be happy and uplighting, which is something people will want to share. This is an awesome way to promote your company and get people sharing your content with their followers. 

Digital marketing is all about creating content, whether it’s photos, videos, blog posts, or whatever your target audience is interested in. In 2020, you should make content that inspires people to be happy and focus on the good in their lives instead of dwelling on the negatives. 

View here how to get your content distributed and see actual ROI results. 

4. Aim to Go Virtual

One big change that happened with COVID-19 is that many businesses needed to start operating from within their homes. A good strategy to have for your digital marketing is focusing on how you and your clients can work together virtually. 

Instead of just an average phone call, many businesses have tried video chatting with their clients. It is a great way to still work together face to face, but in a safe environment. 

It is a small gesture on your end but it is a huge gesture for your client. The best part is that it is one that they will remember in the future. 

As a business, you should make sure that you’re advertising ways that you’re making your clients feel important even when you need to communicate in a virtual way. It is a good way to build a strong connection and relationship with them during this time.

The best part is that the relationship will still remain strong afterward. 

5. Be Transparent

We’ve already talked about being transparent when it comes to how long it could take when shipping products during a pandemic. There are other things that you should be upfront about as a business so your customers will have a trusting relationship with you. 

For some businesses, it might be a bit difficult to keep products in stock during this time. Make sure to be upfront about this with your customers so they know just how much of something you have. 

Whether you’re online or in a store, you should make sure that you’re keeping a good count of your inventory during this time. 

When you’re running low on something, it’s smart to say how many you have left online of that product. This way, someone will know whether or not they should order the item right away or not. 

It is also good to know how much you have of something in the store in case a customer calls to ask or asks online. Many people don’t want to make unnecessary trips to the store because of the current pandemic. 

6. Don’t Stop Marketing

Many businesses are actually cutting their marketing budgeting and not marketing during this time altogether, which is a huge mistake! There are plenty of free ways to market with social media but if you have the money for ads, then use it. 

People are spending much more time at home because they have to. This means they have more free time to browse the internet and social media. So you should put all of your energy into creating interesting content and getting your name out there.

Make sure that they see your products and your name! If they’re interested in what you have to offer, then they just might be willing to make a purchase from you. 

Digital Marketing Practices Have Changed 

The start of 2020 and the coronavirus have brought many changes to our digital marketing practices. Be sure that you’re constantly updating and evolving your digital marketing strategy to fit what is going on around us. 

Be sure to check out our website for more business advice! 

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