6 Key Tasks That Your Digital Marketing Agency Should Be Doing

6 Key Tasks That Your Digital Marketing Agency Should Be Doing

The 6 key tasks that your digital marketing agency should be doing.


Digital marketing is an essential component of any modern business strategy. It encompasses a wide range of activities, from social media management to email marketing, website management, and ads management. 

However, managing all of these tasks requires expertise, skills, and access to various tools and platforms. Often a business will employ a digital marketing agency to carry out these various tasks.

In this blog post, we outline for you some of the most important tips and tools for seven key digital marketing activities: community management, email marketing, ads management, content creation, reporting, and website management. As well as giving you our recommendations on the best platforms to use for each activity.

1. Community Management.

Firstly, active monitoring is crucial. Regularly check the platforms for comments, mentions, and messages to promptly respond to inquiries, address concerns, and engage in discussions. Responding in a timely manner shows that the community is valued and encourages ongoing participation.

Engagement is another key aspect. Initiate and participate in conversations with community members. This includes liking and responding to comments, asking open-ended questions, and acknowledging user-generated content. Sharing relevant content, such as articles, videos, or user posts, helps keep the community informed and interested.

In addition to proactive engagement, conflict resolution is a necessary skill. Sometimes, disputes or negative interactions may arise. Address these professionally and empathetically, aiming to de-escalate tensions and find amicable solutions. Encourage respectful dialogue and enforce community guidelines to maintain a safe and inclusive space.

Escalate’s recommended platform – Agorapulse.

2. Email Marketing.

Firstly, a review of the previous week’s or campaign’s email performance should always take place. Analyse metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to gauge the effectiveness of your campaigns. Identify trends and patterns to inform your ongoing strategies.

Personalisation is paramount in email marketing. Dedicate time to segmenting your subscriber list based on factors such as demographics, purchase history, and browsing behavior. Tailor your messages to each segment’s preferences and needs, ensuring that the content resonates with recipients. 

A consistent schedule for sending emails is also essential. Plan and schedule your campaigns using an email marketing platform, ensuring that you maintain a balance between promotional and informational content.

Lastly, stay updated with industry trends and best practices, as the field of email marketing is dynamic. Continuously test new strategies, monitor your competitors, and adapt your approach to stay ahead in the ever-evolving e-commerce landscape.

Struggling to achieve high open rates from your customer emails?

Escalate’s recommended platform – Klaviyo.

3. Ads Management.

Beginning each day by reviewing the previous day’s performance metrics is crucial. Analyse key metrics to assess the success of your ads. Identify trends and patterns that can guide your strategic adjustments going forward.

Daily budget and bid monitoring are essential to ensure your campaigns are properly optimised. Keep an eye on ad spend and adjust budgets as needed to allocate resources where they yield the best results. Similarly, monitor bidding strategies to maintain a competitive position in ad auctions and secure the desired placements.

Lastly, continuous learning and adaptation are essential in the ever-evolving landscape of social media advertising. Stay up-to-date with platform updates, algorithm changes, and industry trends. Experiment with new ad formats, targeting options, and ad placements to stay innovative and maintain a competitive edge. 

Escalate’s recommended platforms – Google Ads, Meta Ads Manager.

4. Content Creation.

Organising a full photo or video shoot on behalf of a client is a comprehensive process that a digital marketing agency undertakes. The agency follows a series of meticulous steps to ensure the success of the photo or video shoot and alignment with the client’s brand and marketing objectives.

  1. Initial Consultation & Planning – The agency initiates the process by conducting a detailed consultation with the client. This involves understanding the client’s goals, target audience, brand identity, and specific requirements for the photoshoot. It is at this stage that a budget should be established too.
  2. Logistics & Coordination – Detailed scheduling is crucial to ensure a smooth workflow on the day of the shoot. This is the “who”, “what”, “when”, and “where” of the shoot.
  3. Execution of Photoshoot – On the day of the shoot, the agency oversees all aspects of production. This includes managing the photography team, directing models, arranging props, and ensuring that the creative vision is accurately translated into the images captured. 
  4. Post-production & Editing – Once the content is captured, this step involves retouching, colour correction, and other enhancements to ensure that the final images and/or videos are polished and aligned with the client’s branding guidelines.
  5. Delivery & Marketing – The agency delivers the finalised images to the client, keeping them informed about the progress. Once approved, these images and videos can then be incorporated into the client’s various digital marketing campaigns.

During any given week, an agency should be working on one of these phases of content creation, keeping the client updated on progress at all times.

Escalate’s recommended platforms – Editing – Adobe Premier Pro & Motion Array.

5. Reporting.

Reports help clients understand the progress, performance, and impact of their digital marketing campaigns, enabling informed decision-making and fostering a strong agency-client relationship.

Depending on the client’s wants and needs, the following reports should be sent over on a monthly basis, either as one, large comprehensive report or as a series of smaller individual reports.

  1. KPI Performance Report. 

Send them whatever the most important metrics and figures are. This report focuses on KPIs that align with the client’s main digital marketing objectives.

  1. Social Media Report. 

A social media report provides an overview of impressions, engagement, follower growth, reach, and performance across various platforms. Insights from this report guide the agency in tailoring content and engagement strategies for better results.

  1. Competitor Analysis Report. 

This report examines the digital marketing efforts of key competitors, including their social media presence, ad campaigns, content strategy, and engagement metrics.

  1. Recommendations and Insights. 

Each monthly report should include actionable recommendations and insights based on the data presented. This could involve suggesting optimisations for underperforming campaigns, proposing new strategies, highlighting emerging trends, or refining targeting approaches.

Escalate’s recommended platforms – Agorapulse, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Google Trends.

6. Website Management.

Proper website management is crucial for maintaining a functional, user-friendly, and up-to-date online presence. 

  1. Content Updates. 

Regularly refreshing and updating website content keeps it relevant and engaging for visitors. This includes adding new blog posts, articles, product descriptions, and images. Fresh content can also positively impact search engine rankings.

  1. Performance Optimisation. 

Regular performance checks are vital for maintaining a fast-loading and user-friendly website. Review website analytics to identify pages with high bounce rates or slow loading times and take steps to improve these aspects.

  1. Broken Link and Functionality Checks. 

Regularly scan the website for broken links, both internally and externally, and fix them promptly. Test all interactive elements, forms, buttons, and navigation menus to ensure they are working as intended.

  1. SEO Monitoring. 

Keeping tabs on SEO is essential for maintaining a strong online presence. Regularly review keyword rankings, website traffic trends, and organic search performance. Adjust your SEO strategy as needed to align with changing search engine algorithms and user behavior.

  1. Analytics and Reporting. 

Regularly review website analytics to track performance metrics such as traffic sources, user behavior, and conversion rates. Use these insights to make informed decisions about website improvements and marketing strategies.

Escalate’s recommended platforms – WordPress, Shopify.


Effective digital marketing requires a solid understanding of the various tasks involved, as well as access to the right tools and platforms. 

By following the tips and using the recommended platforms outlined in this blog, businesses can stay ahead of the game and achieve their marketing goals efficiently and effectively. Whether it’s cultivating a strong community, creating engaging content, or optimising website performance, implementing these strategies is crucial for success in the dynamic world of digital marketing.

Are you happy with the service your current digital marketing agency is providing you? Are some of the previously mentioned tasks being neglected or are not performing to the level you would want? 

Drop us a message today to see how we can help you execute some of the daily and weekly tasks that are needed to keep an online brand on top of its game.

The post 6 Key Tasks That Your Digital Marketing Agency Should Be Doing appeared first on YOUR DIGITAL BRAND MARKETING PARTNER DUBLIN.

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