8 Benefits of Google AdWords to Grow Your Business Online | Tips from a PPC Agency in Melbourne – Digital Marketing Agency Melbourne

Google AdWords is a fantastic tactic to grow your business. It is an effective way to advertise on Google, push your business to the front and get some exposure if you have just started out. Google Ads can help boost your profile and get you some quicker conversions than something like SEO. Your paid traffic helps get you more clicks and ultimately more business. There are a tonne of reasons to do Google AdWords, and here are 8 major benefits to making the leap and going to some paid ads with a PPC Agency in Melbourne.

If you were born before the year 2000, chances are you’re familiar with Ask Jeeves, AOL, or Yahoo answers. While these sites are still in existence a behemoth of a company has replaced them all. Google. Google has gotten to the point where it is now in the common language as a verb. If you want to know an answer, Google it. In 2019, Google was visited over 60 billion times, they dominate the market share with over 90% as of 2019. Per day, you’re looking at about 3.5 billion searches as of 2019, and surely since the pandemic began you can expect those numbers to have increased. The main takeaway here is Google gets a lot of attention and near everyone is on it. You should definitely be on Google, and get in front of the eyeballs of those looking to engage with your business.

Google is in a great position to advertise pretty much any kind of business. It has a multitude of tools to help you along to advertise products or your service. Google Display, shopping and search ads are all available to you and will all work differently for different outcomes. Google’s suite of information is designed to help you not only create the ideal campaign, but to utilise that data that you gather to optimise time and again so that your ads get better and better month after month. These features that Google provides gives you strong and effective insights that can help your business grow online.

One of the best benefits of online digital marketing is definitely the cost effectiveness. You can easily set yourself a lower budget to get started when you may not have as much area in the budget. You can also take a different tactic and spend big to begin with and spend less as time moves on. Overall, whatever method you use, a benefit you will see pop up will be your cost per conversion will go down. These cost per conversions go down when further optimisations get made based on good traffic data informing those changes. It is important to either track along, or get a digital marketing agency to handle this. Either way, your business will see benefits roll in with a lower amount of cost, greater exposure, more conversions, and more business. If you choose the right marketing team, you may not even need to worry about the cost, you can in a sense, just set, and forget.

Now, a lot of companies and a lot of processes in analytics can seem quite daunting, graphs, charts, and large amo

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