Amazon Product Targeting for Sponsored Ads & This Week’s Digital Marketing News [PODCAST]

On this week’s episode of Marketing O’Clock, hosts Jess Budde, Greg Finn, and Christine “Shep” Zirnheld talk about Amazon’s product targeting, the delayed rollout of Google Partners’ changes, and new Pinterest ecommerce features.

Plus, why the gas station is the best place to shop for perishables and how to turn proving you’re not a bot into a fun puzzle game.

This biggest news of the week:

The SEO community has seen featured snippets below the top spot over the past week.

Then, Michael Fleming shares an all-too-relatable Take of the Week:

Client: “We need to cut spend, but let’s try and keep the same Revenue levels.”

What I wanted to say but didn’t: “OK, I’ll shut off all the campaigns that just waste money.”#ppcchat

— Michael Fleming (@SEMFlem) April 2, 2020

We answer your burning digital marketing questions during our lightning round segment:

If you enjoyed the show, head over to the Marketing O’Clock website to see the show notes and subscribe wherever you consume your podcasts!

Thank you to our sponsors!

Featured Image: Samantha Hanson, Cypress North