Digital Marketing 2020: Know the Top 8 Trends – Digital Doughnut

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Digital Marketing 2020: Know the Top 8 Trends

There are only 2 months ahead of 2020, and with it, a number of changes in the way we communicate with the consuming public. Get ready to leverage your online strategy with the 8 Biggest Digital Marketing Trends for 2020 we’ve set apart for you!

With that in mind, we’ve chosen the top 8 digital marketing trends for upcoming 2020 and how to put them into practice for the best results this new year.

1. Authentic brand management and user participation

The consumer will be at the center of all digital marketing actions in 2020 and beyond. This of course includes corporate brand management. 
Branding is a marketing niche that aims to build a positive impression of a company’s brand among public opinion. 

Next year, the keyword that should guide all branding actions is “authenticity.” 

The public is already naturally suspicious of advertising and increasingly seeking authentic companies to relate to.

The benefits of becoming a brand that is positively viewed by the public are many, one of which is increased sales.

2. Optimization for Voice Search on Your Website or Blog

Every day, about 3.5 billion searches are done on Google. 

And one third of them are performed by voice command, with the main highlight being personal assistants such as Alexa and Bixby, with this number expected to increase to 50% in 2020. 

This means that if your site is not optimized for voice search, you are losing a huge flow of users. Voice search has really become popular in recent years as Google’s word recognition technology has advanced. They have won the heart of the public because they are simpler and easier to use: just push a button, say what you want and the results come up. 

One feature of voice searches is that they offer only a few results to the user. It is much harder to place your site in these searches, but the conversion rate is much higher as well. Therefore, efforts need to be made to optimise your site to reach these people and feed your digital marketing strategy with this flow of users.

3. Contents and strategies designed for micro-moments

Smartphones and the permanent connection to the internet have changed consumer behavior once and for all. One such change comes in the form of micro-moments, a term coined by Google. To take advantage of this trend, you need to understand which micro moments can be satiated by your company and then devise communication strategies that reach people in those situations.

4. Adaptation and optimization for social networking news

Major social networks have announced news in recent months that will impact marketing strategies in 2020. The tendency is that companies have to reformulate their actions to adapt to the new reality. This changes Instagram’s marketing strategy for businesses, which now gain the ability to make more complete and lasting videos to reach that audience.

5. More creative, deep and personalized content marketing

Quality content remains established as one of the most efficient ways to generate leads and close deals with digital marketing. The difference from 2020 to previous years is that the consumer begins to ask for more in-depth material. 

Highly specialized and focused content will be on the rise next year as it has proven highly effective in recent months. The trend for next year is for content to recognize each consumer’s particularities and offer a complete, multichannel, personalized experience. For example: A custom email will be sent to the lead with deep and creative content about a specific pain they have. This effort will drive the consumer through the sales funnel more efficiently, increasing the strategy’s conversion rate.

6. Use of local influencers in marketing strategy

The use of influencers in digital marketing strategies is going strong. After all, the strategy is extremely effective. The influencer marketing is to hire persons who are recognized by consumers for them to do actions and report to the followers of the benefits of the company ‘s product. If your business is local (in areas of interest as well as geographically), the tendency towards 2020 will be focusing on long-term partnerships with local influencers. 

For this, the first step is to map the points of influence in your area, be it a niche of interest or location and analyze if this strategy really makes sense for your business. This means searching for podcasts, YouTube channels, and people with a high level of engagement and engagement with your audience. Make a list of the top influencers in your niche and then take time to get to know them, understand their positions and their levels of engagement with followers. 

7. Confirmation of lives on social networks and video content

The use of video content in digital marketing is no longer a simple “trend” but a reality. 
The numbers don’t lie: 72% of companies that started using video material in their digital strategy saw an increase in their conversion rates. 

One evolution of this tool that we can call trend next year is lives on social networks or on their own platforms. These lives consist of live video streams via tools such as YouTube Live , Facebook Live, Instagram Live or platforms like Twitch, LiveStreaming and others. 
They are popular today because they offer consumers a glimpse inside the backstage of a company. The interesting thing about lives is that they are versatile and talk to other 2020 trends, such as local influencers (they can participate in the broadcast), personalised content and the work to engage audiences on social networks.

8. Affirmation of the use of chatbots in customer service

Technological development affects the future and trends of many areas, and with digital marketing, it could not be otherwise. There are several areas that are starting to emerge and promise to assert themselves in 2020. The main ones will be chatbots. 

These robots serve to interact with the audience in a way that humans can’t. They are much faster and serve consumers personally, some even with their own sense of humor and personalities. To use chatbots in your digital strategy, the first step is to decide whether to use a program unique to your business or one of the many options available on the market. The choice depends on the budget size available for this tool and the expected level of complexity for audience-chatbot interactions.

You can see that digital marketing trends in 2020 will require a lot of updating and preparation so that the boat of your marketing strategy can sail smoothly next year, right?


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