Digital Marketing Analytics: Metrics You Need to Know as a Business Owner

As a business owner, you keep track of a lot of moving pieces such as product inventory, when to post, shipping, and the list goes on! 

One of those moving pieces is digital marketing analytics. If you’re unfamiliar with digital marketing analytics, they’re how you track the performance of various marketing campaigns across your digital channels like Instagram, your website, newsletter, and more. But with all that data to consider, it’s sometimes hard to understand which metrics are the most effective to track. 

In this blog post, we’ll break down the most important digital marketing analytics to pay attention to so you’re making the most effective content decisions for your business. Let’s get started! 

Why Are Digital Marketing Analytics Important? 

Digital marketing analytics can be tricky, especially if you’re not quite sure what you’re supposed to be looking for, what’s good or bad, and where you can improve. But the good thing is, there’s a lot of data to choose from and each specific metric tells a different story. Not only do digital marketing analytics track your performance, but they also serve as a guide to figuring out what you might need to do differently in order to serve your customers and community better. Studying your analytics on social, web, and email can lead to increased sales, engagement, and follower growth. 

As a business owner, the most important channels to pay attention to are the ones you have. Here we’ll break down the 3 topmost used channels business owners use: 

#1 Email Newsletters Analytics 

Open Rate
Click-through Rate (CTR)
Conversion Rate
Bounce Rate
Number of Unsubscribers

#2 Website Metrics 

Number of Visitors
Bounce Rate
Session Duration

#3 Social Media Metrics 


PLANOLY Pro-Tip: Check out our best times to post feature that analyzes when your audience is most active on Instagram, so you post at the best time. 


How to Monitor and Maintain Your Digital Marketing Analytics

To continue improving your digital marketing metrics consider various factors that could be affecting the above metrics. Like industry, target audience, and think when they’d most likely want to receive a newsletter, look at a post, and what type of content they’re interested in. Conduct various A/B testing (Testing two versions of the same newsletter to see which one the audience responds to best.) to decide which changes worked and which didn’t. 

To get a headstart on your social media metrics for Instagram, try out our analytics feature, PLANOLY analyze, which provides you with premium Instagram analytics. 

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