Digital Marketing Terms, Explained: Content Marketing | Redefine Marketing Group

If you’re getting started with SEO for your business, there’s a good chance . Whether you’ve hired an SEO team, a contract expert, or are simply trying to make sense of it yourself, you’re probably scratching your head at some of the new terminology that keeps popping up. Content marketing is a powerful way to drive traffic to your website, but it can be difficult to make sense of at first. 

Fortunately, we’re here to make content marketing more manageable by breaking down some of the most common, but also most strange-sounding terms. Wondering what duplicate content is? Don’t have an editorial calendar? Curious about calls to action? We’ve got you covered in this guide to content marketing terms. 

Duplicate Content

If you’re reading up about content marketing or working with an SEO expert, you’ll probably be warned about the dangers of duplicate content. To put it simply, duplicate content is text that is nearly identical on two or more different web domains. If the same content appears on two different websites, Google reads it as duplicate content and will likely factor that into their rankings. 

While duplicate content, it makes it harder for Google to consider the text as authoritative or worth ranking. For example, you may know that an effective content marketing strategy is producing more content on your website. The caveat here is that it must be original content. In other words, you can’t pump up your website content by copying and pasting text from other websites, especially if you want lasting Google results. 

At the root of SEO content marketing is a heavy emphasis on keywords. Keywords are words you insert into your online content, so Google can understand what the the content is about and how to rank it. For example, if your business sells weighted blankets, you’ll want to include keywords such as “weighted blankets” and “weighted blankets for anxiety” and maybe “how to wash a weighted blanket” into your content, because those are common terms people interested in weighted blankets may be searching for on Google. 

Google’s can be a good place to start in identifying the keywords that are most effective for driving relevant traffic to your site. Generally, when including keywords in a piece of content, don’t use the keyword more than 5x per article. When you overuse a keyword, Google reads it as “keyword stuffing,” , and will likely penalize the piece of content in question (and your website). 

CMS is short for “content management system,” and it refers to the software you use to manage the flow of content for your business. The most common CMS we use with clients is WordPress. 

Content management systems typically allow multiple users across your business to upload, edit, and manage content on your website without advanced knowledge of web development. A content management system allows you to create an SEO-rich website with very little coding knowledge. An effective software, like WordPress, makes it very easy for you to input title tags, meta descriptions, and other SEO elements into your content. 

Editorial Calendar

When developing a content strategy for your website, it’s essential to use an editorial calendar. An editorial calendar is a monthly calendar that helps you track the content you plan to produce and includes any special events you plan to promote that month (i.e., holidays, sales, etc). 

An editorial calendar will help you keep on top of your team of writers (if you have one) and content deadlines. You can include copy, social media, and PR pushes on your editorial calendar, depending on your company’s content needs. 

Gated Content

Gated content is content that This type of content can be standard articles or videos but is usually longer-form content, such as infographics and white papers. The form to entry typically asks for an email address and may ask for additional demographic information. Gated content is a great way to collect email addresses for future communications as well as important information about who’s leaning into your content. 

Thought Leader

Don’t be surprised if your SEO team brings up establishing you as a thought leader as part of your content strategy. A thought leader is someone who is recognized as an authority in their field, and their expertise is both highly-regarded and sought after. By establishing yourself up as a thought leader, you can expand your brand’s identity. 

The path to thought leadership begins with great content, collaboration with other influencers, and . Thought leaders are given powerful opportunities to promote their brands, such as guest posts in high-level media outlets and speaking events. 

This is Only Part of the Process 

While these content marketing terms aren’t too difficult to understand, managing them on a daily basis is a big effort. At Redefine Marketing Group, we can lead your content strategy on a deeper level, including regular topic research and

We wrote this article because our process entails educating the customer every step of the way. Looking for an honest and upfront SEO team to guide your content marketing strategy? !