Digital Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing


No company can ignore marketing and expect their business to grow. Traditional marketing was considered by companies in order to grow and generate profit. However, this form of marketing is really expensive and only the already established use this form of marketing. For new or small companies, digital marketing has offered a new path of generating profit and become successful. Here’s how.

  • Digital Marketing – The Company that promotes their business by the use of online platforms is called as digital marketing.
  • Traditional Marketing – Company that promotes their business by putting banners, advertisements, sells their product or service by face-to-face meeting is called as traditional marketing.

Differences between the two:

  • Reach – If a company wishes to reach wide number of audience globally, then digital marketing is considered to be quicker compared to traditional.
  • Time – Promoting a brand, product or service is considered to be quicker with digital marketing.
  • Communication – Here again if you wish to stay in constant touch with consumers, then digital marketing is clear winner. This is because consumers tend to remain online most of the time.
  • Career – Both offer great career paths. However, since digital marketing goes hand in hand with technology, it offers bigger opportunity for professionals to travel the world and earn in other currencies.
  • Work – Traditional marketing will require the professional to constantly move from one place to another. While digital marketing professionals can work from home, coffee shops or even a park as long as they have a laptop and internet connection.

For a small business, digital marketing should be considered.

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