Digital Marketing ⎜Watch Your Business Grow

90% of businesses use social media and digital marketing to increase brand awareness, and while nearly half of social media users admit to utilizing the platform for brand research, companies easily get lost in a vast sea of data.

When it comes to digital marketing, businesses face many challenges – from low Google rankings, through generating new leads to promoting their content. Vienna based Digital Marketing Agency, IT Sentinel, specializes in several methods to harness a business’s online potential, including expert Social Media Marketing (SMM) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

A Social Brand

A great way to connect with your audience and create affinity, social media is a must for any business looking to expand its reach, but a crucial component is often overlooked: content promotion. IT Sentinel’s strategy ensures your socials cultivate brand awareness and manages your accounts while maintaining effective account management. After all these platforms are… Social! From community management to metric stats analysis, this service is key to social success.

Stand Out in the Crowd 


The most effective way of driving traffic to your site, Search Engine Optimization is yet another pillar of effective digital marketing. Boosting the quality and quantity of your traffic, IT Sentinel’s SEO package provides full maintenance for your site: starting with a thorough audit of your existing data, the next step then is to research keywords that describes your audience best and second a competitor analysis, to be en par with your rivals. Your content gets optimized by IT Sentinel for maximal reach and exposure.


Using the innovative ClickIn tool, IT Sentinel was already able to improve client rankings. After analyzing your site’s data and finding out where you rank, through ClickIn you set up a task: these generated tasks are distributed worldwide to ClickIn users, causing your organic traffic to inflate rapidly and help you rank higher on search engine results. For those without a business, ClickIn might be a useful tool as well as participating in suchs tasks earns monetary rewards.  Using these reward system, ClickIn targets real people, contributing to the economy as a whole while avoiding the bot epidemic. “According to the most recent case study, our client’s site ranked 65 on Google on August 21. After activating ClickIn, the site successfully repositioned itself, ranking 19th on Google search on September 12,” says Dimitry Alabyan, online marketing professional at IT Sentinel.

Digital Marketing targets audiences in a cost effective, measurable way and has the potential to increase brand loyalty and awareness. With the growing number of online users currently standing on 4.1 billion – don’t miss out on an opportunity to watch your business grow.

(Paid cooperation with IT Sentinel)

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