Easy Digital Marketing Mistakes and How to Fix Them

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There are currently just over 25,000 digital marketing companies in the UK, all of which claim to offer unique services with guaranteed results.

This makes the marketing industry a bit of a minefield, with one mistake having the potential to rank you below your competitors and leave you with a very limited client list. Although this all sounds a little daunting, these metaphorical mines can easily be avoided/fixed with careful planning and a clear strategy.

On that note, here are the top five digital marketing mistakes we see all too frequently, and how to fix them.

Not having a blog or news page

Yes, this blog talks about the importance of writing blogs, and for good reason! Posting blogs on your website is essential for becoming a trusted leader within the industry.
It’s easy enough to publish a post and shout about it on social media; the hard part is making sure your content is engaging and worth shouting about. Although funny stories and personal experiences may get the most engagement from friends and family, they’re unlikely to attract potential clients.
Posting valuable, informed, and thought-provoking content will give clients a reason to trust your business, as it shows that you’re engaging with current marketing trends and demonstrating your expertise.

On the SEO side of things, blog posts are also an excellent opportunity to increase your business’s Google ranking, as your site is likely to pop up for a wider range of keywords.

Need some inspiration? Have a look at the trending topics in the marketing industry and news stories that are getting a lot of coverage. Then, write about the topic from a different angle and share your unique point of view with others in the industry.

Having a clunky/slow website

So, you’ve been posting engaging blogs and growing your social media presence, but your client list still isn’t growing. If this is the case, it might be worth having another look at your business’s website.

Websites constantly need updating, with new digital tools and trends appearing each year. Conversion platforms such as Leadoo, for example, have experienced an incredible rise in popularity over the last two years, which makes the process of finding relevant information and services far simpler for new clients.

Websites that are visually appealing and easy to navigate are a massive tick to clients who don’t want to spend hours scrolling through hundreds of web pages with no relevant content.

Each landing page should have a strong Call to Action and optimised content, both of which will help your business generate more leads.

Forgetting Mobile Users

Mobile accounts for just over 50% of all website traffic across the globe. As smartphone technology grows more sophisticated, users across the globe are relying on mobiles to browse their favourite websites. Building a website that doesn’t translate well to mobile screens is an easy mistake to make, particularly as many web-design tools prioritise desktop viewing.

This doesn’t just apply to visuals, however, as loading speed is an important factor to consider when making your website mobile-friendly. Pages that take longer than 30 seconds to load are likely to irritate visitors and leave them looking for an alternative website.

Quick tip: Large video files and too many high-resolution images might look great on a desktop screen, but will slow your website’s loading speed on mobile by a pretty significant amount. Try reducing the number of images featured on your website and only include video files if absolutely necessary.

Cutting out Keyword Research

Okay- you’ve updated your web design, increased engagement on your social media, and built up a bank of engaging blog posts. So what’s stopping clients from approaching you for digital marketing support?

An up-to-date website won’t help you drum up business if no one can find it. If you’re ranking on page 46 of Google for ‘digital marketing’, it’s unlikely that companies looking for a new agency will come across your site during their search.

This is why it’s super important to optimise your website using a series of keywords. Take a look at your content and decide which words are the most relevant to your business and tend to draw a high search volume. Once your website starts ranking higher for more keywords, your business will appear in more search results- which of course will hopefully attract more business!

Disregarding the competition

Think of the digital marketing industry as a page from a Where’s Wally book: you’re constantly competing with hundreds of other agencies who, on the surface, will look virtually identical to your own.

Pretending that these other companies simply don’t exist may work wonders for your self-confidence, but won’t do your business any favours in the long run. You need to find a way to stand out in a saturated market, which is easier than it sounds. Highlight your USP in your digital marketing efforts.
Does your business provide a specialist service? Is it people-focused? How do you stay innovative? All in all – what makes you great?

Take that quality and use it as a unique selling point for your brand. Clients are often attracted to agencies that present a strong personal message and offer something unique to the world of digital marketing.

There you have it, our top five digital marketing mistakes to avoid at all costs. Mistakes such as these can have a huge impact on your appeal to new clients, which is why putting a clear strategy in place to avoid or fix these mishaps should be a priority moving forward.


Need some advice on how to make your business stand out from the crowd? Grab a coffee with us and see what we can do to help

The post Easy Digital Marketing Mistakes and How to Fix Them appeared first on TWI.

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