Essential Digital Marketing Tips For The Automotive Industry | PromotionWorld

A solid digital marketing strategy is essential for automotive marketers everywhere, with 75% of car buyers regarding internet research as the most helpful tool for choosing dealers and cars to purchase, research by Digital Air Strike reveals. Social media is ranked by customers as even more important than the dealer’s own website. It’s therefore important automotive marketers stay up to date with the latest digital marketing trends to attract customers and boost sales.

Video marketing 

Three out of four car shoppers base their shopping habits or purchases on online videos, Google statistics reveal. Moreover, 40% of car shoppers who look at online marketing videos say they’re helpful for discovering cars they didn’t previously know about. And, just as importantly, video marketing motivates shoppers to act — 60% of car shoppers make a purchase after watching marketing videos either via visiting the dealer’s website or the brick-and-mortar store. Make sure your videos attract customers by making them interesting, factual, and actionable. For example, offer information on the latest vehicle releases or advice on car maintenance and repairs.  

Mobile marketing 

Car dealers and marketers must tailor their marketing campaigns to mobile users — otherwise you’ll miss out on the 18% of consumers who use only mobile devices while shopping for cars as well as the 53% who use multiple devices. Additionally, 50% of all vehicle shoppers with mobile devices look at their smartphones while visiting the car dealership. In other words, they’re looking to make sure they’re getting the best possible deal on their chosen vehicle. Customers frequently look online for reviews of popular vehicles, wanting to hear from verified car owners, consumers, and experts to ensure they’re choosing the best car for the best price. This makes effective marketing (and competitive prices) all the more important to avoid shoppers leaving for other dealerships while they’re on the lot. 

VIN specific remarketing 

Vehicle identification number (VIN) remarketing allows you to target car shoppers with relevant adverts showing cars they’ve already viewed on your website. Potential customers are shown relevant cars and details regarding make, year, model, and geographic location. These adverts follow customers around the internet. Using VIN specific ads on Facebook is particularly important — 84% of consumers use Facebook and 66% of car buyers or owners who have seen Facebook ads say they’ve clicked on them, an increase from just 33% in 2014. 

Digital marketing is an ever-evolving industry. It’s important automotive marketers stay abreast of the latest trends — such as video marketing, VIN adverts, and mobile marketing — to target relevant potential customers and boost sales.

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