Free Digital Marketing Strategy Sessions For Businesses | Hiilite

Without a doubt, COVID-19 has pushed many businesses to consider more digital marketing options in order to stay afloatwhich isn’t a bad thing. It just means rethinking how your business can reach your customers or clients. It also means finding ways to accommodate and support clients in more socially distant ways. 

However, no one said this would be easy. That’s why Hiilite is offering free marketing strategy sessions to help organizations pivot during these uncertain times. This, in turn, can help them recover sales and continue to stay in business in the community.  

How Hiilite Is Helping Local Business Through Digital Marketing Strategy 

“We know this is a difficult time for many businesses in Kelowna, especially economically. These free strategy sessions are our way of not only empowering businesses to help them recover, but potentially even help them grow during these uncertain times.” – Hiilite owners William Walczak and Tina Walczak 

is collaboration—which is promoted in these meetings. In order to maintain social distancing, the event will be taking place over a Zoom conference call, but everyone is encouraged to help each other with ideas. Although Will and Tina will be leading the sessions, interested business owners are encouraged to offer their suggestions to help other companies resolve the challenges they’re facing.  

After all, we’re all in this together. 

The  for people to join and view the info. The upcoming meetings will be held every Monday from 12:00 p.m.-1:30 p.m. PST. Two have already taken place with one business already reporting success from strategies that were discussed during a past meeting.  

Proof of Concept from Past Digital Marketing Strategy Sessions 

Shauna Grobowsky, owner of Passionate Blooms (a Kelowna and West Kelowna floral shop), was having a challenging time maintaining her sales. The pandemic was making it impossible for customers to come into her brick and mortar shop. She switched over to offering delivery options, but still knew there was potential to grow further. 

After getting help from Hiilite’s  session, she implemented a proposed change from the meeting and held her first Instagram Live plant saleGrobowsky reported that it was a big success.  

“The session helped me to rethink how I should be approaching sales for my business and come up with ideas I hadn’t considered before. During this time, it’s important to come up with another plan of action if what you’re doing isn’t working.” – Shauna Grobowsky 

Why It’s Important to Adapt as a Local Business During COVID-19 

Traditional methods of marketing won’t get you the results you’ve been enjoying prior to the spread of the coronavirus. Billboards are only potentially being seen by essential travel people need to do. Any physical features your brick and mortar location might’ve drawn people in off the street are fading into irrelevance as more and more people are staying home. 

However, most people still have internet access. 

Like no time ever before this, bringing your business to the digital online space is more important than ever before. After all, if you can’t go outside how could anyone be drawn to any physical marketing you’ve done for your business?  

Digital Marketing Options and Online Solutions to COVID-19 

How do you market your business online then? It depends, what works for some businesses won’t work for others. 

For example, while doing Instagram Live worked for a floral shop, it might not be as helpful for a cleaning company. Facebook advertising might be a good choice for an e-commerce site, but only if their customers are using Facebook. 

Above all else, having a good website is a good idea for any business. You’re going to turn customers away faster than a person rushing to get milk when they eat something too spicy if your website is a jumbled mess. 

Hiilite has been helping businesses  for many years. We can help you set up your company in the online world so you’re digitally poised to deal with the impact of the coronavirus.   

Digital Marketing Options Other Businesses Are Implementing 

A natural choice many product-based businesses are turning to Amazon, but you can also add online shopping to your website to promote your products. 

Other options are social media advertising, Google Ads, or even using live features on social media (like Passionate Blooms) to sell your products. 

Undoubtedly, this is a stressful time for numerous business owners, but you can still see success if you’re willing to pivot your marketing strategy to adapt to current events.