Want To Know How To Change Your Instagram Username?
Whether you have decided to rebrand your business or change your business name entirely…
…there is more than one reason as to why you may need to change your IG name.
You clicked on this post because you want to know how to change your Instagram username.
So today, we’re going to show you how, and at the end, we’re sharing 3 important things you need to keep in mind when you’re changing it.
How To Change Your Instagram Username On Mobile
Step 1: Go to your profile, and to clarify, this is your username…
…and this is your name (or sometimes called display name).
Your username is what people use with the @ sign to mention you in their stories and posts.
So this is the one you’ll be changing if you want to change the username.
Step 2: Click “Edit profile”, and tap the username box. From there, you can change your name to whatever you want it to be.
Step 3: Once you hit done, Instagram will tell you if that username is already taken.
Or if it’s not, it will save your new username.
How To Change Your Instagram Username On Desktop
The process for changing your Instagram username on a desktop is pretty much the same.
Just log in at , click to your profile.
Click “Edit profile”, change your username to whatever you want it to be, and then scroll down to click Submit.
Again, Instagram will let you know if your username is already taken, or if you can successfully change it.
Now before you go, here are a couple of important things to remember when you’re using Instagram for business and want to change your IG username.
But first, just a quick reminder to go and check out our new social media ads training course if you want to take your advertising skills to the next level.
3 Important Things To Remember When Changing Your IG Username
1. Make sure you really want to change your username before changing it.
A name change can be confusing to followers.
And for small businesses, the last thing you want to do is make brand awareness and building an Instagram following harder.
So take a moment to list out the reasons why you want to change your username…
…and decide if it’s worth taking a potential step back in branding which could also negatively affect your Instagram marketing strategy.
2. Be confident in the name you want to change it to.
Once you change your username, your old one is up for grabs by other people.
And if they take your original username that you later decide you want back…
…then there’s not much you can do other than reach out to them and hope for the best.
3. We would suggest you try to keep the usernames across all of your social media accounts the same.
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Piggybacking off of #1, it makes it easier for customers to find you online if your username is your business name and is the same on Instagram as it is on:
…and so on.
If ours was lyfemarketing on Instagram but LYFEMktg on Facebook and LifeMarketing on Twitter, you can see how that would be confusing to followers.
They would wonder which one was the real LYFE Marketing.
And the confusion could lead to distrust which leads to them not using our digital marketing services.
The same principle applies to all businesses.
So that’s why we say just make it easy for yourself and your customers.
And keep your username the same across all social media platforms for business, and as identical to your actual business name as you can get it.
So those are the steps on how to change your username and best practices.
And for all of your Instagram marketing needs, don’t hesitate to contact us today!
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