Joomla VirtueMart Marketplace Advance Report

Joomla VirtueMart Market Advance Report:

To make information analysis report more powerful for VirtueMart Market, “Joomla VirtueMart Marketplace Advance Report” is developed. This VirtueMart market extension is utilized for drawing out and organizing data within VirtueMart Marketplace in a structured way. it creates and analyzes tailored report for chosen classifications, sellers, order status and by date variety like today, yesterday, last week, last month or you can customize date as per your need.Hence this extension has developed with the special design and advanced data extraction. There are various types of formats offered for downloading the information and conserve the results.Features: Filter the report on the basis of order

status, category, seller,

    • and date range.An Overall summary is provided like the total sales, overall tax, total
    • commission, average daily sales, typical order sales, and so on A monthly summary report is offered in tabular, barline chart and pie-chart form.Seller summary is supplied in tabular, bar line chart and pie chart kind to store admin.Instead of seller summary, at frontend a seller is provided with commission summary table and graph.Generate sales data report by order status and leading selling products.Generate sales data report by categories and top-selling categories.Provide sales information report by countries and state in tabular and chart form.Analyze the report for a set time period such as the other day, last week, last month and can choose a custom-made date varieties of your choice.Download the report table in CSV and PDF format.Download the report chart in PNG,
    • JPG, PDF, SVG format.Annotation option is offered to add a note on a chart and can conserve
    • and print.All produced report can be downloaded in your system which can be accessed at any time.The circulation of Setup and Setup: Backend View: Step1: First of
    • all, Go to extension supervisor and click install. After that drag and drop the zip file of “Joomla VirtueMart Market
    • Advance Report”. Likewise, you can submit the file from your system.Step2: Finally, your Extension has been successfully set up now. Click on the listed below button to configure.Step3: Fill the following fields based on settings then click conserve

and close.Step4: Go to the components and here you can see”

VirtueMart Market Advance Report”. Click on that to visit the dashboard.Step5: This is the dashboard of”VirtueMart Market Advance Report “. You can view a general report based upon the overall sales, total tax, total commission, average day-to-day sales, average order sales, etc.Consequently here are

some of the samples for data format and extraction: Another view of the chart as Annotate Option: Graphical Representation: Disable any field or filter: Front End View: To view this report at the front end, you have to add a menu item for”advance report”from backend and set to release. Then you can see the”advance report”choice in the main menu bar. Now click this you can see front end of”VirtueMart Marketplace Advance Report”of a particular seller.That’s all for the VirtueMart Marketplace Advance Report still, have any concern don’t hesitate to include a ticket and let us understand your views to make the part better!.?.!Current Item Version-1.0 Supported StructureVariation-Joomla 3.x, VirtueMart 3.x and Market 5.2.X

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