Last-minute Christmas marketing ideas for small businesses – Coppertops Digital Marketing

We have 2 weeks to go, the last minute shopping is being done, how can you market your business for the last part of 2021? Let’s do a quick run through some Christmas marketing ideas.

Keep it fun

Nobody wants to get all serious at this time of year, so keep it light and easy. It’s a chance to have a bit of fun with your audience, your potential customers, and you are more likely to get some interaction as a result. Christmas marketing often does better when it doesn’t feel like being sold to.

Make it a no brainer

People want to get stuff done, they have a long list and not enough time. Make your offer simple and easy to say yes to, your customers are more likely to buy and will probably thank you for saving them some thinking time!

Bundle up

No, I don’t mean wrap up warm although with the weather this week that’s also a great idea! Bundle up your offers to make it even easier for people to say yes, buy and checkout. The fewer steps from a decision to making payment the better for you and for your customer. Bundles make Christmas marketing easier and more effective.

Think ahead

If your products or services don’t really suit a Christmas related sale why not look at offers for the New Year?

For example, over the next week, we will be making our 2022 web and social media offers available to our clients (new and existing) to make sure our work calendar is full going into January.

New year offers can be an element of, or all of, your Christmas marketing campaigns.

Christmas may be the time of year when gimmicks are most acceptable, once you don’t take them too seriously!

For example, use the 12 days of Christmas in a creative way or add Christmas decorations on your website and social media profiles as well as in your marketing graphics.

It’s the season for giving, and there are many ways to do it.

Reward loyal customers or followers with a gift or a special offer.

Donate to your favourite charity and ask your customers or followers to follow suit. Marketing ideas should include giving your customers a glimpse of who you are on a personal level, so this is a double whammy as the charity benefits and it builds trust in your business as well.

Team up

Those bundles we mentioned? Why not make them a combined effort with another business that has a product or service that compliments one of yours? This works well any time but in particular as part of your Christmas marketing as it makes life easier for your customers as well.

Host a Christmas themed live stream with another business owner – make it fun and engaging.

This has been a quick summary of some nice and easy marketing ideas for your small business in the run-up to Christmas, we hope that you can make use of some of them.

Pssst! Pass it on!

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