Let’s Talk About The Difference Between a Product And a Solution – Rory Ramsden – Story Driven Digital Marketing Mentoring & Consulting

A mistake I see in a lot of folks posts is being overeager to talk about their product/service/ offer and in the process, they scare potential customers away.

They may be confused because they hear people who should know better, using the word product and the word solution interchangeably. 

When actually folks laying out a solution, want to make sure that their product fits their potential customers so well that selling becomes unnecessary. 

Those customers need solution to a problem.
The product or service is just a delivery mechanism.

I was on a call with Lucie, a client, earlier today talking about this very same thing.

She writes well.
She has a clear offer. 

She knows exactly how she changes people’s lives for the better and as a result she is just a tad impatient to talk about her awesome coaching programme… 

After a few lines of empathy, she jumps in with words like “If you sign up for my blah blah blah coaching service we’ll cover the following 5 steps”.

Then follows that with the features, advantages and benefits of each one.

Before finishing with a short Call to Action like…
Comment “TELL ME MORE” below and I’ll PM you.

This is against Facebook’s terms of service. We are not supposed to use our Newsfeed to sell what we do but we can use it to give advice based on our expertise and experience.

Facebook is first and foremost a virtual social gathering where we should do as much listening as we do talking. And when we do talk, we should comment on and engage with a variety of content before we add our tuppence ha’penny’s worth in a post.

If Lucie talks about the solution to the challenge her folks are facing, she is establishing the context in which her offer sits. 

She is identifying the challenge they face.
Explaining the reason why it happens…
Then what to do to overcome it.

Talking about the solution like this is positioning her offer, by explaining the real reason that the problem continues to exist.

This insight if of real value to the folks she is talking to. It shifts their belief as to why their challenge persists.

It moves them from where they were to a place where they are closer to making a buying decision.

Understand that people don’t come to Facebook looking for a solution to a problem. They come for a few minutes respite from their real lives. They are not actively looking for anything in particular.

If they were, they’d go to Google or another search engine and actively search for products that they think might solve their problem.

This therefore is a gentle reminder as to why your audience is where they are and what they are there for. 

If you plead guilty as charged to be too eager to sell for whatever reason, here’s what you have to do to switch to putting your offer in context.


I use this framework almost everyday to attract 1>2 new high level customers to my inbox every week. 

They know know what I do, why it works and the results they can expect so all we need to do is have a quick chat on Messenger or jump on a Zoom call to sort out the next steps and answer a few last minute questions.

Folks using this method are high ticket coaches/ consultants or expert service providers who love to share their expertise and experience with their audience. Each and everyone loves to write and are pretty good at it.

They have been in the online space for a couple of years so have made a few mistakes already (haven’t we all?) but are pretty clued up on who they want to serve and why. All that’s missing is a way of reaching out to them in the most effective way.

They realise that investing in this one thing could transform their business from scraping along at 5k per month to pulling in 15 or 20k without working 24/7 or taking on more overheads so they are willing to invest 5K to work with me in my 30 day intensive writing workshop to make it happen.

The writing part is actually step 4 of my method for achieving this transformation. Before that we review your positioning, dial in on who your ideal client REALLY is and in the light of those two steps review your offer so it is laser focused on the #1 challenge your people want to solve. 

The writing part takes up at least 50% of the time we spend together. I review every single piece you write and give you detailed feedback on each one. Together, we’ll come up with a customised list of what you need to do to power up your writing.

If you’re interested in working with me and you like the sound of that program, just shoot me a private message on FB and we’ll chat to see if this could be a fit for you and your business.

If so, we can get you started right away…

I look forward to chatting with you.

Bye for now ! 🙂

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