Making a Start with Digital Marketing

You are in business to sell a product or service that you believe in. You’ve invested time and energy into branding the business, giving your brand a distinct personality that showcases both you and the product or service that you provide. So now it’s time to get out there and bring your brand, the face of your business and your product range to your ideal customer.

Maximum exposure is the name of the game in today’s oversaturated world of options. Try some or all of these tips to get your business noticed – and remembered.

Marketing your brand via email newsletters is a very popular way to reach the masses. Newsletters are an opportunity to demonstrate the virtues of your product to current and potential customers. You can add a section of “How To’s” showing how to use your wares. This can be done with a YouTube tutorial, as well.

With a newsletter, you can use a creative and impactful newsletter design to really show off your company and what it has to offer. It is a chance to use your logo for increased brand recognition. Additionally, you can add a lot of detail to the newsletter and really show off your brand personality. Your customers and prospects will enjoy and appreciate the extra efforts you put into making your product beautiful.

A professional tip is to add a pop-up window whenever a user enters your site. Entice the user to sign up for your newsletter with their email address. You could give them a free digital download, or offer them a discount off your product or service. Once you have their email addresses, use them for the newsletter outreach. Make it easy for them to access your content and for you to grow your email address list.

This video contains a wealth of other marketing tips you can use for your business’ benefit.

Social Media

You probably have accounts for your business on social media already. But are you on multiple platforms? Sometimes business owners think that one platform and profile is enough. That mindset narrows your marketing reach. 

Make social media accounts on a diverse array of platforms to expand your potential influence. Consider the platforms where your ideal customer is likely to be located. Networks such as TikTok tend to appeal to younger generations, while Facebook usually reaches an older (and female) demographic. Even with that general idea, it is a good business practice to advertise beyond your intended scope of the brand, as users have many personal accounts themselves. 

Additionally, with a platform like Twitter, you can quickly connect with large amounts of people. It is an easy and seamless way to share your company’s diversity, values, new releases, and brand as a whole.

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