07 Nov Making the most of your new website – Part 2
Now that time has been spent thinking about what to include you can start talking to companies about proposals. You will want to get several proposals that you can evaluate and compare to see the similarities and differences. List out what you like, don’t like and what you don’t understand. Any good web developer should be willing to meet with you to discuss your questions and educate you on the process. You also want a partner who will continue to ask you questions – and answer yours – throughout the process. Red flag alert – if they can’t explain it, you don’t want to work with them!
You should treat this part of the process as an interview process. Sample questions to ask include:
Once you’ve selected your website developer make sure to read through the agreement carefully to ensure no hidden fees or information is included to surprise you later. In order to effectively and efficiently design and build your new website, Media Venue shares the following process sheet with clients PRIOR to the start of web development. Along the way you will see where the client is required to initial by each step. This helps us – and the client – have a true understanding of the expectations along the way. Again, no surprises.
The following items will be required from the client before Media Venue can begin the website creation process:
_____ Initials
Normally, a standard 5 to 10-page website can take 45-60 days to complete (contingent upon existing projects in progress) once all deliverables above are received from the client. The timeframe breakdown is noted below for your understanding.
If a larger project requires more development, additional time may be required (depending on the level of complexity).
After the design, framework, content and formatting has been completed and revisions have been made, Media Venue will be ready to take the site live. The site will not be released until the client contact has signed off with approval. If approval is sent and we do not receive feedback from client within 10-business days, it will be assumed that there are no changes and the website will be taken live.
_____ Initials
There are so many websites I like, where do I start?
Take your top three favorite websites and make notes of what you like and don’t like about each of them. Then once we sit down to explore the goal and objectives of your own website you can decide what to incorporate.
Can I save money by only having a few pages within my website?
A website does not need to be a set number of pages. Simple is sometimes best depending on your products and services offered. What is important is having the website properly registered with all search engines and having search engine optimization built into (and monitored at least bi-annually) the program.
What happens if my website takes longer than the typical 45-60 days to complete?
We will work with you on a timeline before the work starts and will keep you apprised of how everything is progressing. If all elements are provided up front (as required) and there are minimum changes throughout the process, this will help expedite the site.