New TikTok Trend Has Dog Owners Barking At Their Pets, Experts Say Stop – Corporate B2B Sales & Digital Marketing Agency in Cardiff covering UK

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TikTok can be a bit of a mixed bag—while it has pioneered a new wave of content creators and expressions of creativity, it’s brought with up certain trends that were more dangerous than fun.

For example, in August, the ‘Milk Crate Challenge’ saw users stacking empty milk crates on top of one another, trying to make it up and down the “stairs” without toppling over. This resulted in numerous injuries being reported, though the hashtag still garnered millions of views.

A new trend in which dog owners “bark” at their pets to provoke a reaction has been making the rounds on the app. While some of the videos are inherently humorous, animal behaviorists are warning that it may not be such a fun experience for the furry ones.

“To have a bark like this suddenly happen so close to a dog would absolutely be a surprise. The majority of dogs wouldn’t understand the intention behind the bark or in some cases where it has come from,” dog training expert Joe Nutkins told Newsweek.

According to Mental Floss, although some dogs in the videos respond by licking their owners’ faces or wagging their tails, chances are they aren’t actually too stoked about the interaction. It appears that both actions could be signs of anxiety or uneasiness, as the furry friends try to self-soothe and calm themselves down.

In more extreme cases, owners could also be putting themselves in danger if their pet reacts in a hostile manner. Many people may not be aware of their dog’s body language, and not spot their discomfort before they lash out or bite—and no one wants to be nicked while face-to-face with an angry canine.

If you’ve seen the trend going around and been tempted to try it out with your favorite pooch, it’s best to hold off. Not only could it cause your dog unnecessary distress, but it may even end up with a serious injury if the furry one’s sufficiently spooked.


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