Outsourcing with a Digital Marketing Agency – Four Tens Digital

In a Pandemic?

For businesses that have always kept their marketing in-house, the idea of outsourcing that work to an agency might seem like a strange proposition. For small businesses and individuals, wearing multiple hats and managing email, social media, and a website feels like a necessary part of a hectic every day schedule. ​

While many industries and businesses are still trying to manage and survive because of the recourses of the COVID-19 panic, now might actually be an opportune time to consider working with an agency. Many think pieces were published towards the beginning of the pandemic, as businesses scaled back, about how it was the ideal moment to push advertising and marketing. ​ But it can be difficult to know how and where to expand your digital marketing efforts when as a business, you are navigating the unknown waters of a pandemic.

Relying on subject matter experts to get you the results that you need, quickly and efficiently, is the best way to move forward in times of uncertainty. And the numbers back up keeping advertising and marketing in your budget, even if competitors are pulling back. ​

While we can’t say that working with a digital marketing agency is right for everyone, we can provide a glimpse into what working with a digital marketing agency can be like, so that you can anticipate if it’s the correct choice for your business. While we work with big name companies, start-ups and solopreneurs alike, there are some scenarios that overlap in why our clients reached out about our services in the first place.

Help in One Area

We’ve worked with clients who are looking for subject matter experts in one specific, niche area. Whether that’s building a website, managing online ad campaigns, tackling email campaign execution, or creating social media content, we’re able to hone in on that one offering to make it really shine.

You might be wondering “why would someone bother to outsource one tiny facet of their digital marketing?” ​

There are several factors that can answer that question. For an office with a small team or solo marketer, having one less thing for them to handle can be a huge relief. If a business is considering outsourcing a small part of their digital marketing strategy in comparison to hiring someone in-house, the cost comparison isn’t even close.

Another answer might be that a start-up or solo entrepreneur is just getting started with their digital marketing journey, and is looking to test the waters with one piece of their future, fully-comprehensive digital marketing strategy. While we wouldn’t recommend anyone call it a day by only using email marketing or social media to get the word out about their product/services, it can be a good first step in the right direction. Again, in this scenario, outsourcing to an agency would be more cost-effective than hiring a full-time employee.

Tackling a Few Pieces of the Pie

We’ve also worked with companies that need more than a few hours of help a week to truly execute their digital marketing vision. Maybe they are looking to set up a new or revamped website and establish a strong social media presence. They might also be interested in getting their CRM set up in connection with their website, email, and social accounts. In any case, the work is more substantial, but may not encompass their entire digital marketing strategy.

Digital agencies can always do more when given more agency to do the jobs their hired for, so there’s a lot more wiggle room in this scenario to do cool things with your digital marketing. When starting to tie together all the various aspects of a digital marketing strategy, you can bring in more data. Data is the ultimate tool in a digital marketer’s toolbox, and it can help drive better future campaigns.

In this situation, budget, oversight approval, and alternative resources may keep a business from outsourcing their entire digital marketing department, but allow them to use an agency’s expertise for a large chunk of their digital marketing goals.

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