Short-Term Digital Marketing Strategies to Help Online Retailers Throu

This post was written by Katie Lewis.

Let’s be blunt: this is not business as usual. The World Health Organization has declared COVID-19 a pandemic. With the virus galloping around the world and taking a hit on the global economy, the impact on retailers continues to unfold.

There’s little doubt COVID-19 presents a set of challenges to many businesses—from event cancellations to supply-chain disruptions—but it’s important to also look for the nuggets of opportunity that exist for shopping. A crisis can be an opportunity to change how you market: the moves you make today can provide real, long-term value over time and position your business for further success. 

In this piece, we outline some short-term guidelines on how to tweak your digital marketing strategy in light of COVID-19.

Look at your short-term messaging

Know. Your. Audience. Customers need and want to hear from your business right now. 

A few things to consider in your digital marketing campaigns:

Proactivity and transparency is key when connecting with your customers. There’s little doubt that many things are disrupted: major events canceled or moved online, employees may be working remotely, demand for products is constantly changing, and supply-chain challenges exist, including delays and out-of-stock products.

It’s important to have empathy for what shoppers are dealing with in order to continue to build trust with current and potential customers. This could include proactive updates through email, your website, or your digital ad campaigns, depending on the changing situation. Below are some need-to-knows as a general guideline:

Review your short-term digital marketing spend

When things get rocky, it might be tempting to slash your paid marketing budget—particularly in light of cashflow concerns in an uncertain future. Your tendency might be to stop, dial down and save. But it’s important to fight against this instinct. A few points to consider: 

Create geo-specific audiences in your digital marketing campaigns

Also consider your different geographies when deciding on your audience for your digital advertising campaigns. Every country is on a different trajectory with COVID-19 and it’s important to take that into account when it comes to messaging.

China can serve as a crystal ball for what we might see ahead. Unable to leave their homes, many turned to meeting online, and app downloads boomed during the COVID-19 outbreak—around 40% higher during the first few weeks of February than the average for 2019.

Your short-term digital marketing strategy will make a difference in the long run

Stanford economist Paul Romer said “A crisis is a terrible thing to waste,” and he’s right: It’s a good time for you to focus on the health of your business, while also not losing sight of your long-term plan. Challenging times can help shine a light on vulnerabilities, help drive large-scale change and allow you to try new things when it comes to your digital ad strategy.

The next few weeks and months might be bumpy. The silver lining? The changes you make today will help strengthen the foundation of your business and position it for long-term success.