The Five Biggest Digital Marketing Trends In 2020

The Five Biggest Digital Marketing Trends In 2020

It’s a new decade and definitely time to start taking digital marketing seriously. 2020 will see a lot of new things come at us in terms of digital marketing trends; these are the things you might want to consider getting on board with if you want to increase traffic and conversions in the year ahead.

If you are currently working on your yearly marketing campaign and want to ensure it is future-proof, check out these five trends to look out for.

1. Marketing Automation

There are now countless ways to gain insights into online consumer behaviour. However, it is almost impossible to manually examine all the data and collect the necessary insights in order to provide customised and personalised content. 

This has increased the popularity of marketing automation for the year ahead. Moving forward, marketing and technology will combine in numerous ways to further increase this trend.

2. AR/VR

While Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality have been making big waves since 2016, it was only in the past couple of years that they really hit their strides. An increasing number of brands including L’Oreal, IKEA, Nivea, Starbucks, Michael Kors and Volkswagen are now utilising AR and VR ads in order to offer customers a unique experience.

According to Statista, the AR and VR market size is expected to surpass US $200 billion by 2022. Whilst more businesses desire this technology, the cost of AR and VR ads is a major hurdle. But as these technologies gain popularity, so too are their prices expected to fall.

3. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence has been in the digital marketing game for some time now. But it is expected that the technology will soon experience a massive boost in terms of capability. Understanding customer search patterns and online behaviour is now a vital part of the digital industry. AI has already began playing an important part in this process.

For example, AI-powered chatbots are now commonplace for businesses and online platforms. In 2020, the advancements in machine learning algorithms will see the rise of advanced AI chatbots that can emulate customers with far greater accuracy. According to Gartner, 25 per cent of customer service jobs would be filled by chatbots as opposed to humans by 2020.

4. Social Messaging Apps

Social messaging apps are now a standard life element. You might even use multiples apps such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, WeChat etc. on your smartphone. These apps have already been around for years and are expected to grow further in popularity in the year ahead.

As more people are spending more time on these apps, it only makes sense to market your products and services through them. With these apps, you can directly message prospects. This allows personalisation as well as adding value to the customer’s experience.

5. Video Marketing

It is fair to say that 2019 was the year of video marketing and this will only increase in 2020. Apart from YouTube, video posts and live broadcasts on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn are also growing in popularity.

A growing number of brands are using live videos for interviews, product demos, behind-the-scenes event glimpses, office life and more. Though the constant improvement of smartphone video resolution, video marketing is now one of the most useful tools for marketing your brand online.