The Secret to Being Able to Deliver Value – Rory Ramsden – Story Driven Digital Marketing Mentoring & Consulting

The Secret to Being Able to Deliver Value

Delivering value to your prospects is the most IMPORTANT thing you do.

Two operative words in that statement

What does delivering value mean?

And how can you do it in a systematic and logical way?

Spray and pray’ is the most popular strategy.

That is – Just post something, anything, as long as you are consistent.

It’s better than nothing.

It could even get you lots of likes and a few comments.

Leaving you feeling good knowing that you’re making progress.

But do your ideal prospects realise you are talking to them, specifically?

And is the value you are delivering tailored to their problem, specifically?

Yes and Yes, you might say

But is that really true?

80% of posts I read only talk generally about their ideal prospect. They are not specific… Not granular about where that person is on their journey to finding a solution, the things they might have tried or how long they have been searching.

So the value you think you are delivering is not laser focused enough to be of real use to your ideal prospect.

What’s more, readers certainly don’t finish the post knowing not only the results they could achieve but HOW to get them?

Step by step.

Net result.

Your ideal prospect moves on not fully realising the impact of the value you offered and not fully realising it was for them.

Leaving you as a coach, consultant or expert service provider struggling to grow your revenue from $5,000 per month to $15,000 per month and beyond.

This is especially true if you are focusing your client attraction process on organic strategies.

Social media posts.
Blog Posts.

You may love to write. Love to tell stories about the little tweaks you have discovered that make all the difference to your client’s ability to get results…

But if you don’t get granular about who you’re talking to, the value you deliver is not laser focused on the real problem they face and the step by step method you lay out does not achieve the results you promised.

The knock on effects move downstream…

To name but a few, your ideal prospect remains underwhelmed.

They don’t reach out to you on Messenger.
They don’t join your group.
They don’t subscribe.

Which is a pity because in the age of digital privacy we now live in where ROAS on Facebook advertising is harder and email open rates may be impossible to track because your subscribers’ – actual – email addresses could be hidden, you need to make the most of every connection you make.

Helping you realise this granular clarity is something I focus on in step #1 of my story driven workshop for it is a prerequisite to defining the path you wish to guide your peeps down from where they are now to where they need to be to buy from you.

The journey between the two moves from one pre-wired idea to the next in a systematic and logical way allowing them to try it on, accept it and make it their own.

We’ve all been marketed at, sold to and lied to too often to readily accept being pressured into making a positive buying decision.

The moment we feel that pressure we pull away.

And if we’re told what to do or what to think, our defences go up. In other words, buyers don’t put much trust in you and your ideas.

However, everyone trusts their own ideas.

Step #2 is to recalibrate your offer so that it delivers the results that your REAL ideal prospect is searching for which ensures that your prospect sees 10x the value they see now.

Next we dive into reworking your posts so that they are engineered to call out the peeps you want to work with, deliver insights that are truly relevant to where they are on their journey and show them how to achieve the results they seek.

Finally we wrap it all up with a simple Facebook organic outreach process that is so simple that it takes most people less than 5 minutes to understand it and no more than a few hours a week to implement.

Expect to spend 50% of your time writing posts and receiving constructive feedback.

I go through each post you write with a fine toothed comb to make sure you are being clear and granular while saying what you mean to say, not what you actually said.

This suits solopreneurs and people with small teams best especially if they are coaches, consultants or expert service providers who love to write.

You’re probably earning mid 4 figures a month but want to up that to 5 without spending a dime on advertising or having to grow a team of closers to do it.

The 4 Week Story Driven Workshop will teach you to deliver real value to the people you want to work with while moving them from where they are now to a place where they are ready to commit by implanting a sequence of pre-wired ideas that they make their own.

Expect to pay a mid four figure sum and to work your socks off over 4 weeks.
You will have daily access to me by Messenger and a weekly one-to-one Zoom call to discuss the schedule for the following 7 days.

You’ll receive template, story frameworks and daily feedback on your work.

This is not for the faint hearted or for people who cannot take constructive criticism.


Check out the details by clicking the link below

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